Light My Bricks : Ghostbusters Firehouse Headquarters LED Lighting Kit

Here is the instructions document for the Lego Ghostbusters Firehouse Headquarters LED lighting kit. Please read and follow the steps carefully to ensure this lighting kit is installed properly.

These instructions can be downloaded in PDF format here

Package contents:

  • 6x White Strip Lights
  • 13x White 30 cm Bit Lights
  • 3x Flashing Red 30cm Bit Lights
  • 1x Flashing White 30cm Bit Light
  • 1x 12-port Expansion Board
  • 2x 6-port Expansion Boards
  • 1x Traffic Light Effects Board
  • 10x Adhesive squares
  • 1x Battery Pack (requires 3x AA Batteries)
  • 1x USB Power Cable

    Note – Battery Pack will be replaced with USB Power Cables from mid April 2020

Connecting Cables

  • 4x 15cm cable
  • 5x 30cm cable

Extra Lego Pieces

  • 6x plate 1×6 (for mounting strip lights)
  • 2x trans red 1×1 round plate
  • 1x trans green 1×1 round plate
  • 1x trans orange 1×1 round plate
  • 2x trans red 1×1 round brick
  • 2x light grey 1×1 modified brick with stud on one side
  • 2x light grey “tap”

Important things to note:

Laying cables in between and underneath bricks

Cables can fit in between and underneath LEGO® bricks, plates, and tiles providing they are laid correctly between the LEGO® studs. Do NOT forcefully join LEGO® together around cables; instead ensure they are laying comfortably in between each stud.

CAUTION: Forcing LEGO® to connect over a cable can result in damaging the cable and light.

Connecting cable connectors to Strip Lights

Take extra care when inserting connectors to ports on the Strip Lights. Connectors can be inserted only one way. With the Strip Light facing up, ensure the side of the connector with the wires exposed is facing down. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, don’t force it. Doing so will damage the plug and the connector.

Connecting cable connectors to Expansion Boards

Take extra care when inserting connectors to ports of Expansion Boards. Connectors can be inserted only one way. With the expansion board facing up, look for the soldered “=” symbol on the left side of the port. The connector side with the wires exposed should be facing toward the soldered “=” symbol as you insert into the port. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, do not force it.

WARNING: Incorrectly inserting the connector can result in bent pins inside the port or possible overheating of the expansion board when connected.

Installing Bit Lights under LEGO® bricks and plates.

When installing Bit Lights under LEGO® pieces, ensure they are placed the correct way up (Yellow LED component exposed). You can either place them directly on top of LEGO® studs or in between.

OK, Let’s Begin!

Instructions for installing this kit

1.) This lighting kit is installed from the bottom up. Start by opening the building and removing the 2nd and top levels of the modular building.

We will be installing lights to the traffic light first. Remove the traffic light and pole, then disassemble the traffic light starting from the left yellow plate.

2.) Take 1 bit light and thread the connector side through the first hole on the side of the black traffic light piece as shown below. Pull the bit light all the way through from the base of the traffic light piece until the LED is at the top of the hole, then secure it in place by connecting one of the provided red trans round plates over the top. Ensure the LED component is facing the correct way up before securing.

Repeat this step to install another bit light to the next hole on the traffic light piece this time, using the provided orange trans round plate to secure the bit light.

3.) To install the green light, take another bit light and then place it directly over the stud with the LED facing up. Then secure it in place by connecting the provided green trans round plate directly over the top.

4.) Reconnect the black 1×2 plate we removed earlier as well as the yellow 1×3 tile ensuring the cables are laid in between and underneath the Lego pieces.

5.) Reconnect the traffic light with lights installed to the pole and then take the 3 cables and wind them around each other so they all come together as one thick cable.

Thread the cable around the top of the pole as shown below before reconnecting the pole back to the base plate.

6.) Take the battery pack and insert 3x AA batteries to it. Connect the battery cable into the top port of the 4-port traffic light board as shown below.

If you’re using the USB Power Cable, connect this to the board this instead of the battery pack, and connect the other end to a USB Power Bank or wall adaptor (sold separately) and turn it ON to test the front lights are working OK.


Ensure the effect switch is at the label “3”. (The other option “2” is for a 2-light traffic lights effect which we don’t for this)

Connect the 3 cables from the traffic light into the ports on the traffic light board labelled “G”, “Y” and “R”.

At this point you may be thinking, “Great, I’ve just mixed up my 3 cables, how am I meant to know which cable is for which port?”

The only way is to turn on the battery pack and seeing which light comes on for which port we connect to. We will need to ensure that each light is connected to the correct port otherwise the effect sequence will not be accurate. E.G if you connect a light into the port “G” but you notice the yellow light is on at the traffic light, then remove this light and connect it to port “Y”.

The effect sequence should go Green for 5 seconds, flash 3 times, Yellow for 3 seconds, flash 3 times, Red for 5 seconds, flash 3 times, Repeat.

7.) We can now remove the battery pack/usb cable from the top traffic light board (as we only connected this to test the traffic light board). Replace this with a 15cm connecting cable, then connect the other end to the first port on the 12-port expansion board

Take 4x adhesive squares and stick 2 to each board. Mount the traffic light board to the inside of the building in the top right corner. Hide the excess cables from the traffic light underneath the board.

Leave the expansion board for now as we will mount this later.

8.) We will now move onto installing lights to the front of the building. Start by disconnecting Lego pieces surrounding the red lights. Then remove the grey 1×1 brick with red light attached.

We will be replacing this section of pieces with the following pieces which came in this kit (3 pieces on the right)

2x trans red 1×1 round brick
light grey 1×1 modified brick with stud on one side
2x light grey “tap”

Before we reconnect these pieces, we will install flashing lights to them.

9.) Take one flashing red bit light and thread the connector end through the larger hole (base) of the trans red round brick. Pull it all the way through until the LED component is all the way inside the brick.

Take the light grey “tap” piece and then connect the tap end into the small hole of the trans red brick. Take extra care while doing this as this will push the LED slightly down as it connects.

Thread the connector end through the front hole of the light grey brick and then out through the base. Pull this all the way through until you can connect the grey tap piece to the grey brick.

Connect this new red light piece to the wall then reconnect the surrounding pieces of the wall we removed earlier ensuring the cable is laid in between studs.

Repeat this step for the red light on the right side.

10.) Connect the 2 cables from the lights we just installed to the 12-port expansion board. We can now also mount the expansion board to the inside of the building towards the centre beam as shown below. Ensure the expansion board is mounted as close as possible to the beam.

Do your best to hide the excess cables underneath the grey plates on the top.

11.) We will now light up the desk lamp where Janine is sitting. Disconnect this piece and then take one bit light and stick to the inside of the lamp using an adhesive square. The adhesive square should be able to squeeze into the round plate.

Thread the connector end of the bit light cable through hole of the grey base before reconnecting the lamp to it.

Reconnect the lamp with bit light installed to Janine’s desk.

Secure the cable underneath the desk and toward the right underneath one of the grey tiles. Reconnect Janine’s desk ensuring the cable is facing toward the back wall.

12.) Lay the cable from the desk lamp across the floor towards the wall (in between studs). You can secure the cable down using one of the Lego “boxes”.

Pull the cable up and then thread the cable through the holes in the beams. Then connect it to the first port you can reach on the expansion board (You should have just enough cable length to do this).

13.) We will now install a flashing light to the alarm. First disconnect this section and remove the red light piece.

Take another red flashing bit light and place it on top of the brown stud with the LED component facing up. Secure this by connecting one of the provided trans red round plates directly over the top.

Hide the cable underneath the brown tile.

Reconnect this section back to the wall and then thread the cable behind the expansion board before then connecting it to one of the spare ports.

You can hide the excess cable underneath the grey tiles in between studs as shown below.

14.) We will now install bit lights to the 2 ceiling lights. Start be disconnecting them and then disassemble them as pictured below

Take one bit light and thread the connector end through the front of the dish and then out the back. Thread this all the way through until the LED component is all way the against the dish and then secure it in place by connecting the trans 2×2 round plate directly over the top

Reconnect the light back onto the pole and then wind the cable around so that the cable isn’t too exposed.

Reconnecting the entire section back to the ceiling beam.

Repeat this same process for the other ceiling light

15.) Do your best to hide as much excess cable from the 2 lights underneath the dark grey tiles on top of the ceiling beam. Ensure all hidden cables are laying neatly between bricks, then connect the 2 light cables into the spare ports of the expansion board.

16.) It is now a good time to test our current light circuit. To do this, take the battery pack /USB cable and connect the cable into one of the spare ports of the expansion board and then turn on to test all is working OK.

17.) We will now install some strip lights to the right side of the building starting from the section where the lockers are. Take one LED strip light and connect a 15 cm connecting cable to the left port and a 30 cm connecting cable into the right port. Connect/Stick this strip light underneath the base of the 2nd floor in the following position ensuring the 15cm cable is on the left and the 30cm cable is on the right. Connect the other end of the 30cm cable to the expansion board. To neaten the 30 cm cable, you can lay this underneath the strip light before connecting over it.

19.) Hide the excess from the 30 cm cable by laying parts of the cable underneath the dark grey tiles as pictured below. Ensure you leave enough cable for this section to open the whole way.

20.) Take another strip light and connect the other end of the 15 cm cable from the below strip light into the left port and then connect/stick this strip light underneath the base of the 3rd level (above the bathroom) as picture below.

To secure the cable from being too obvious, use some tape to stick the cable to the side of the wall.

21.) We now need to install another 3 strip lights to the left section of this building. Take another 30cm connecting cable and connect it to a spare port on the expansion board.

Take another strip light and then connect the other end of the 30cm cable into the right port and then take a 15cm cable and connect it to the left port. Connect/stick the strip light onto the bottom of the second floor in the below position.

Secure the excess cable from the 30cm cable underneath tiles as shown below. Ensure you leave enough cable to open and close this section of the building.

22.) Take another strip light and then connect the other end of the 15cm cabe from below strip light to the left port. Take another 15cm cable and connect it to the right port and then connect/stick it underneath the base of the 3rd floor in the below position

Hide and secure cables underneath the following tiles as shown below.

23.) Take another strip light and then connect the 15cm cable from the strip light underneath to the right port, then stick/connect this strip light underneath the roof in the below position.

You can use sticky tape to secure cables, like what I have done here.

24.) We will now move on to lighting the second floor. Before we do so, connect another 30 cm cable to a spare port of the 12-port expansion board (spare port closest to the left side) and then lay it across the beams towards us.

25.) Take the entire second floor and place it on top of the ground floor. Then pull the 30cm cable up from underneath, and up the centre wall, up behind the bed head frame and then up underneath the ceiling beam.

26.) Connect this cable into the right port of one of the 6-port expansion boards. Mount the board to the inside of the ceiling beam using one of the adhesive squares. Ensure you are mounting it in the following position, then hide the excess cable underneath the dark grey tiles.

27.) We will now install a bit light to the bedroom lamp. Start by removing the lamp as well as drawers underneath, then remove the lamp shade.

Take one bit light and with the LED component facing down in the middle of the trans round piece, reconnect the lamp shade piece over the top.

Ensure the LED component for this bit light is facing down

Hide the cable for the lamp underneath the cream round plate, then in between the brown bricks and then underneath the brown 2×2 plate (in between studs)

Reconnect this section with bit light installed back to original position

28.) We need to hide the cable behind the bed on the right. First remove the bed and then lay the cable across the floor and then up the corner side of the wall. Reconnect the bed and then connect the bit light cable to the next available port on the 6-port expansion board. You can hide any excess cable underneath the tiles on the top.

29.) We will now install a flashing bit light to the video arcade game. Start by removing this section and then disassembling starting with the pieces below. Keep the two black bricks as we will require this for the next step

Take one flashing bit light (cool white) and stick it to the back of the two black bricks using an adhesive square (in the middle). Then reconnect these two pieces back so that the bit light is facing toward the front of the arcade game. Lay the cable in between the black studs before reconnecting the remaining pieces.

Reconnect the video arcade game with flashing light installed.

30.) We will now install a light to the fire place. Disconnect the fireplace section and the disassemble the following pieces.

Take one standard bit light and then thread the connector end through the hole of the back of the chimney piece and then pull it all the way through until the bit light can be placed in the middle of the 4 grey studs.

Ensure the LED is facing the correct way up

Secure the bit light in place by reconnecting the fire piece directly over the top, then reconnect the pieces of the fire place. Reconnect the chimney with light installed to original location.

31.) Thread the cable from the fire place light up the wall and then lay it behind the grey roof piece in between studs as shown below. Reconnect the grey room piece over the top of the cable and then thread the rest of the cable across toward the right of the building, laying underneath the tiles above.

32.) Connect the lights from the video arcade game and fire place to the next ports on the 6-port expansion board, then do your best to hide any remaining excess cable underneath tiles.

33.) We will now install a bit light to the kitchen ceiling light. Disconnect this light piece and then use the same method as we did for the lights on the ground floor to install another bit light (see step 14).

34.) Once you have installed another bit light to this light piece, reconnect it to the ceiling beam and then lay the cable across the beams toward the expansion board, laying excess cable underneath Lego tiles as shown below. Connect this cable into the next spare port of the expansion board.

35.) Take another 30 cm connecting cable and connect it to the last remaining port on the 6-port expansion board. Thread the cable across to the side of the building and hide underneath tiles as shown below

36.) Take the entire 3rd level and connect it over the 2nd level. Take the 30cm cable from the level below and then pull it up the side of the wall and then over the ceiling beam securing the cable underneath Lego tiles. Ensure the cable is laid in this position (shown in below images) as we need to ensure we have just enough cable length to reach the other side of the beam.

37.) Connect the 30cm cable into the right port of another 6-port expansion board. Turn the building around and then mount the expansion board to the inside of the ceiling beam as close as you can to the right (as far as the cable can reach).

Note: If you do not have enough cable length you will need to go back and ensure you have threaded the cable the exact way that I did.

38.) We will now install a light to the slime bowl next to the computer. Remove this as well as the brick underneath and disassemble the pieces as per below.

Take one bit light and place it in between the studs of the 2×2 brick, and then secure it in place by reconnecting the fluro trans green Lego head over the top. Ensure the LED component part is facing the correct way up. Reconnect the trans piece over the top and then reconnect this section back to the floor with the cable facing the wall.

Pull the cable up along the side wall and then hide the cable behind the wall piece as per below.

39.) Connect this cable into the port closest to the side on the 6-port expansion board on the other side of the room then do your best to hide all the excess cable underneath tiles across the ceiling beams.

40.) We will now install another bit light to the ceiling light above. Remove this piece and then follow step 14 again to install another bit light to this ceiling light.

Once you have installed another bit light to this ceiling light, reconnect it to the ceiling beam and then connect the other end into the next available port on the 6-port expansion board. Again, hide excess cable underneath the tiles.

41.) We will now install a light to the window lamp. First remove this lamp as well as 2×2 brick underneath. Install another bit light to this lamp following the same process as the bedside lamp in step 27.

Once you have installed a bit light to this lamp, lay the cable underneath across the round plate. Pull it across and then lay it back underneath the 2×2 brick across so it comes out the other side. Reconnect this piece back in front of the window ensuring the cable is facing toward the left.

42.) Connect the other end of the lamp bit light cable into the next port on the 6-port expansion board and then secure the cable to the back wall in between the dart board and score board. As always, hide any excess cable underneath tiles on the ceiling beams as shown below.

43.) We will now install a bit light to the final ceiling light. Remove this piece and then again, follow step 14 to install the last bit light to this ceiling light.

Once you have installed the last bit light, reconnect the ceiling light back to the ceiling beam and then connect the other end of the bit light to the next port on the 6-port expansion board. Hide the excess cable underneath the tiles on the ceiling beam as shown below.

44.) Take a 30cm connecting cable and connect it to the final port on the 6-port expansion board. From the front side, pull the cable across toward the right and then toward the front in between the studs and underneath tiles. Reconnect the tiles over the cable to secure it in place.

45.) Take the entire roof of the ghostbusters headquarters and reconnect it over the top ensuring you can still access the loose 30cm cable we just connected.

46.) Take the final strip light and connect the other end of the 30cm cable to the right port and then connect/stick the strip light to the roof above where Louis Tully is standing. Ensure the 30cm cable is on the right and the left port is free.

47.) Take the battery pack/ USB Cable and place it on roof in the following position. Ensure the on/off switch is facing upward.

Connect the battery cable into the left port of the strip light we just installed.

48.) Secure the battery pack/USB  and cable using Lego pieces as shown below. This will prevent the battery pack from moving around when you turn it on/off.

You can use any spare Lego pieces, just ensure they are long enough.

This finally completes installation of the Ghostbusters Headquarters LED Lighting Kit.

Turn on and ENJOY!

Light My Bricks : Santa’s Workshop LED Lighting Kit

Here is the instructions document for the Lego Santa’s Workshop LED lighting kit. Please read and follow the steps carefully to ensure this lighting kit is installed properly. The different LEGO sections need to be arranged exactly as shown in example images.

If you run into any issues, please refer to the online troubleshooting guide.

This user guide is also available to download in PDF format here.

Package contents:

  • 6x White 30cm Bit Lights
  • 5x Flashing White 30cm Bit Lights
  • 1x Multi Colour Changing Light String
  • 1x White Strip Light
  • 2x 8-port Expansion Boards
  • 2x 15cm Connecting Cables
  • 1x Battery Pack (3x AA Batteries Required)
  • 4x Adhesive squares for mounting the expansion boards

Extra LEGO Pieces:

  • 4x white plates 1×6
  • 1x trans green 1×1 round plate
  • 1x trans red 1×1 round plate

Important things to note:

Laying cables in between and underneath bricks

Cables can fit in between and underneath LEGO® bricks, plates, and tiles providing they are laid correctly between the LEGO® studs. Do NOT forcefully join LEGO® together around cables; instead ensure they are laying comfortably in between each stud.

CAUTION: Forcing LEGO® to connect over a cable can result in damaging the cable and light.

Connecting cable connectors to Strip Lights

Take extra care when inserting connectors to ports on the Strip Lights. Connectors can be inserted only one way. With the Strip Light facing up, ensure the side of the connector with the wires exposed is facing down. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, don’t force it. Doing so will damage the plug and the connector.

Connecting cable connectors to Expansion Boards

Take extra care when inserting connectors to ports of Expansion Boards. Connectors can be inserted only one way. With the expansion board facing up, look for the soldered “=” symbol on the left side of the port. The connector side with the wires exposed should be facing toward the soldered “=” symbol as you insert into the port. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, do not force it.

WARNING: Incorrectly inserting the connector can result in bent pins inside the port or possible overheating of the expansion board when connected.

Installing Bit Lights under LEGO® bricks and plates.

When installing Bit Lights under LEGO® pieces, ensure they are placed the correct way up (Yellow LED component exposed). You can either place them directly on top of LEGO® studs or in between.

OK, Let’s Begin!

Instructions for installing this kit

1.) We will start with installation of a bit light to the lamp on the right side of the building. First remove the lamp and pole with the “Santa’s Workshop” sign and then disassemble pieces as per below:

2.) Take one standard bit light and thread the connector side through the large hole of the trans yellow round brick. Once it has been threaded through, thread it through the bottom of the black LEGO dish.

Pull the cable all the way through from the top until the LED component is right up against the inside of the trans yellow brick, then reconnect the 2 pieces (black dish and trans yellow brick) together.

Reconnect the lamp back to the Santa’s Workshop lamp post and then reconnect everything back to the building.

3.) Hide the cable behind the chimney by first lifting up the surrounding pieces and then reconnecting them over the top of the cable. Ensure the cable is neatly laid between LEGO studs.

4.) We will now install flashing bit lights to the christmas tree which will be positioned to the right of the building. First disconnect one side of the tree with the yellow light and then disassemble pieces as per below:

Take one flashing bit light and place the LED component directly over the dark green stud at the top and ensure the cable is facing the bottom of the tree. Secure it in place by reconnecting the trans yellow round plate directly over the top.

Reconnect the surrounding pieces ensuring the cable is laid in between studs then reconnect this side section back to the christmas tree.

5.) Turn the tree over to the next side with the red light and then disconnect and disassemble pieces as per below:

Take another flashing bit light and place the LED component directly over the light green stud in the middle ensuring the cable is facing the bottom of the tree.

Secure the bit light in place by reconnecting the trans red round plate directly over the top, then reconnect the light green brick next to it ensuring the cable underneath is laid in between studs.

Reconnect this side section with light installed back to the christmas tree

Repeat this step to install another two flashing bit lights to the next two sides of the christmas tree.

6.) You should now have 4 flashing lights installed to the christmas tree and the cables from these lights should be coming out from the base of the tree. Take these cables and twist them around each other, bringing them together to form one large cable. Set the christmas tree aside.

7.) Position Santa’s sleigh and reindeers in front of the workshop, facing toward the right. We will now install a light to Rudolph’s nose.

Remove Rudolph’s nose (brown LEGO stud) and then take one standard bit light and place it directly over the stud. Secure the bit light in place by connecting a trans red round plate (provided in this kit) directly over it, ensuring the cable is facing down.

Remove Rudolph from the leash and lay the bit light cable underneath his head and out his back by removing and reconnecting the following pieces ensuring the cable is neatly laid in between studs. Reconnect Rudolph back to his leash

8.) Turn everything around to the back and then take cables from the Santa’s Workshop lamp, christmas tree, and Rudolph’s nose and connect them to an 8-port expansion port. There are 2 expansion boards in this light kit so we will refer to this one as “expansion board A”. Follow the order to connect the lights as per below:

9.) To eliminate excess cable from Santa’s Workshop lamp, wind it around the expansion board a few times and then secure the expansion board to the base of the building using a self adhesive square as per below:

10.) We will now install lights to the back of Santa’s sleigh. Remove the 2 lamp sections and disassemble pieces as per below:

Take a standard bit light and place it directly over the black stud in the centre of the black lamp base. Secure the light in place by reconnecting the trans yellow brick directly over the top.

Repeat this step to install a second standard bit light to the lamp on the other side, then reconnect both lamps back to the sleigh.

11.) Hide the cables from the bit lights underneath the gold frames by first disconnecting and reconnecting them over the cables as shown below.

Twist the 2 cables around each other bringing them together to form one large cable.

12.) We will now move onto installing lights to the 2 lamps on the left side of the building. First remove these sections and disassemble pieces.

Take another standard bit light and place it directly over the stud of the black plate. Reconnect the trans yellow brick directly over the top and repeat this step to install another bit light to the other lamp.

Reconnect these 2 lamps to the grey telephone piece and then reconnect this back to the side of the building.

13.) We need to hide these 2 cables behind, through the building wall. First lift up surrounding pieces then thread the 2 cables behind. Pull the cables all the way through from the inside of the building and then reconnect the surrounding pieces over the top ensuring the cables are in laid in between studs.

14.) From the inside of the building, lay the two cables underneath the “Santa Needs You” sign, then twist the two cables around each other, bringing them together to form 1 cable.

15.) Let’s move onto installing a flashing light to the Toy Making Machine, which we will position to the left of the building. First remove the trans green piece and discard it as we will be replacing it with a different trans green piece.

Take a flashing bit light and place it directly over the grey stud as per below then secure it in place by connecting the trans green piece (provided in this kit) directly over it.

Lay the cable underneath the 2×4 Lego tile as per below:

16.) Position the Toy Machine to the left of the building with bit light cable facing toward the back, then take this cable along with the cables from the building lamps and sleigh lamps and connect them into another 8-port expansion board (Expansion board B) in the order below.

17.) Wind the cables from the building lamps around the expansion board a few times, then connect a 15cm connecting cable to the port furthest to the left.

18.) Take the LED Strip Light and connect the 15cm cable from expansion board B to the port on the right of the strip light. Take another 15cm connecting cable and connect it to the port on the left.

19.) Connect/Stick this strip light underneath the second floor of Santa’s Workshop in the below position and then connect the other end of the 15cm cable on the left to the next available port on Expansion Board A.

20.) Lay the 15cm cable between expansion boards A and B underneath the desk ensuring the cable is laid neatly in between studs. Stick Expansion board B to the side of the orange base using provided adhesive squares.

21.) Turn the building around back to the front and remove the string of coloured lights that are connecting to the left building’s roof.

22.) Take the multi colour changing light string and place the top of the string on this roof and lay it down in the below positions. Secure the light string in place by connecting white Lego pieces (which came in this kit) over it ensuring you do not connect the pieces directly over the LED components.

23.) Lay the remaining light string over the roof of the next building, securing it in place using more Lego pieces (which came in this kit). Ensure the individual LEDs from the light string are evenly spread out and that the last LED is closest to the chimney.

24.) Lay the end of the light string behind the chimney and connect this into the last available port on Expansion Board A.

Use some tape to tape down the light string cable and 15cm cable to the side of the wall.

25.) Take the battery pack and connect 3x AA batteries into it. Connect the battery cable into a spare port on Expansion Board B and then place the battery pack behind the building.

26.) Re position all the Lego sections as per below:

Installation of your LED light kit is now complete. Turn on via the battery pack and ENJOY!

Light My Bricks : Winter Toy Shop LED Lighting Kit

Here is the instructions document for the Lego Winter Toy Shop LED lighting kit. Please read and follow the steps carefully to ensure this lighting kit is installed properly.

If you run into any issues, please refer to the online troubleshooting guide.

This user guide is also available to download in PDF format here.

Package contents:

  • 3x White 30cm Bit Lights
  • 3x Multi Colour Changing Light Strings
  • 1x White Strip Light
  • 1x 8-port Expansion Board
  • 1x 15cm Connecting Cable
  • 1x AA Battery Pack
  • 2x Adhesive squares for mounting the expansion board

Important things to note:

Laying cables in between and underneath bricks

Cables can fit in between and underneath LEGO® bricks, plates, and tiles providing they are laid correctly between the LEGO® studs. Do NOT forcefully join LEGO® together around cables; instead ensure they are laying comfortably in between each stud.

CAUTION: Forcing LEGO® to connect over a cable can result in damaging the cable and light.

Connecting cable connectors to Strip Lights

Take extra care when inserting connectors to ports on the Strip Lights. Connectors can be inserted only one way. With the Strip Light facing up, ensure the side of the connector with the wires exposed is facing down. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, don’t force it. Doing so will damage the plug and the connector.

Connecting cable connectors to Expansion Boards

Take extra care when inserting connectors to ports of Expansion Boards. Connectors can be inserted only one way. With the expansion board facing up, look for the soldered “=” symbol on the left side of the port. The connector side with the wires exposed should be facing toward the soldered “=” symbol as you insert into the port. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, do not force it.

WARNING: Incorrectly inserting the connector can result in bent pins inside the port or possible overheating of the expansion board when connected.

Installing Bit Lights under LEGO® bricks and plates.

When installing Bit Lights under LEGO® pieces, ensure they are placed the correct way up (Yellow LED component exposed). You can either place them directly on top of LEGO® studs or in between.

OK, Let’s Begin!

Instructions for installing this kit

1.) We will start with installation of the lights to the street lamps. First remove the two round globes from the street lamp and then disassemble pieces as per below:

2.) Take one bit light and then thread the connector side of the light through the large hole of the trans yellow round brick. Pull the cable through from the other side and then thread it through the large hole of the black plate.

Pull the cable all the way through until the LED component is right up against the inside of the trans yellow brick. Then secure the black plate over the top as shown in example image below.

Reconnect the two clear pieces that make up the lamp bulb and discard the round red plate that connects underneath as we will be needing this. Reconnect the lamp bulb with bit light installed back to the lamp pole.

Repeat the above process to install another bit light to the second street lamp.

3.) Turn the street lamp to the other side and then take the two cables from the lights and twist them around each other so that the two cables come together forming one large cable.

Tuck the cable behind the decoration and then wind the cables around the street lamp pole before connecting them into the first few ports of the 8-port expansion board.

4.) We will now light up the lamp at the front door of the shop. First we need to remove the lamp and black plate underneath it from the shop by carefully lifting up the surrounding bricks above.

Once we have removed this lamp section, disassemble the pieces as per below:

5.) Take another bit light and thread the connector side of the light through the large hole of the trans yellow brick (exactly the same way as we did for the street lamps). Pull the cable all the way through from the other side until the LED is right up against the inside of the trans yellow brick.

6.) Reconnect the black round plate on the top of the trans yellow brick and then reconnect the trans yellow brick back to the black plate below. The bit light cable should be facing toward the back as shown below.

7.) Reconnect this lamp section with bit light installed back to the shop front wall ensuring we first thread the connector end of the cable through to the inside of the shop.

We also need to ensure that the cable is neatly laid in between studs before reconnecting.

8.) Pull the cable through from the inside of the shop and then lay it down behind the train as per below. You can use sticky tape, like what I have done, to secure the cable and prevent it from moving around.

Connect this cable into the next available port on the expansion board. Then wind excess cable around the expansion board.

9.) Next, take the LED strip light and connect the 15cm connecting cable into the right port. Then mount the strip light to the bottom of the second floor, (either directly or onto a 1×6 plate first) under the clock.

Connect the other end of the 15 cm cable to the next available port on the expansion board.

10.) We will now install one of the Multi Colour Changing Light Strings onto the roof, starting with the left side.

First remove the white 2×6 plate on the left side and then lay down the light string (from the end of the cable) by following the green arrows as shown below. Reconnect the white plate over the top ensuring the cable is laid in between studs. Take caution and ensure that we do not connect the plate directly over each LED.

11.) Lay the rest of the cable down on the other side of this roof (following the green arrows below) and secure down by connecting the 2×6 plate on the other side directly over the top of the light string as shown below.

12.) Lay the remaining light string across the roof of the next section and secure it down underneath the 2×4 plate as shown below. The end of the light string cable should now be facing the inside of the Toy Shop.

13.) Pull the end of the cable across the back of the Toy Shop and then down the side before connecting it into the next available port of the expansion board.

14.) Take another Multi Colour Changing Light String and lay it down on the roof of the right section of the shop starting from the left. Follow the green arrows in the images below to ensure the light string is neatly laid in between studs before reconnecting the white 2×10 plates directly over the top.

15.) Wind the remaining length of the light string around the chimney and then secure it in place by threading the end of the cable down behind the cable we just wound.

Connect this light string into the next available port of the expansion board.

16.) We can now secure the expansion board to the left corner of the inside of the Toy Shop by using the self adhesive squares to mount directly onto the floor. Next, neaten up any excess cabling by tucking them around and behind the expansion board.

17.) We can now move onto lighting the Christmas tree. Take the final Multi Colour Changing Light String and thread the end of the string through the hole in the Christmas tree star. Carefully bend the string down after the first light, to hook it in and prevent it from falling out.

18.) Wind the light string evenly around the Christmas tree as per below. The light string should sit neatly between the trans yellow bricks and green plates of the tree.

19.) Once we have wound the light string evenly around the Christmas tree, connect it into the next port on the expansion board.

20.) Lastly, take the Battery Pack and insert 3x AA batteries into it before connecting the battery cable to the last remaining port on the expansion board.

This now completes installation of the Winter Toy Shop LED Lighting Kit.

Turn on and ENJOY!

Light My Bricks : Volkswagen Beetle LED Lighting Kit

The following page is the instructions for the Light My Bricks Volkswagen Beetle (10252) LED light kit.

To ensure a trouble-free installation of your light kit, please read and follow each step carefully.

If you run into any issues, please refer to the online troubleshooting guide.

To download this instructions guide in PDF format please click here.

Please note: This page lists instructions for the LED light kit only. If you are wishing to purchase the Light My Bricks LEGO Volkswagen Beetle (10252) LED light kit , please click here to view the product page

Package contents:

  • 4x White 30cm Bit Lights
  • 2x White 15cm Bit Lights
  • 1x 8-port Expansion Board
  • 1x USB Power Cable 

USB Power Cable has replaced Flat & Round Battery Packs (CR2032) as of June 2022 due to child safety regulations. Please use the USB Power Cable in place of the Battery Pack.

Assorted Bricks

  • 2x LEGO Trans Red 1×1 plates

Important things to note:

Laying cables in between and underneath bricks

Cables can fit in between and underneath LEGO® bricks, plates, and tiles providing they are laid correctly between the LEGO® studs. Do NOT forcefully join LEGO® together around cables; instead ensure they are laying comfortably in between each stud.

CAUTION: Forcing LEGO® to connect over a cable can result in damaging the cable and light.

Connecting cable connectors to Expansion Boards

Take extra care when inserting connectors to ports of Expansion Boards. Connectors can be inserted only one way. With the expansion board facing up, look for the soldered “=” symbol on the left side of the port. The connector side with the wires exposed should be facing toward the soldered “=” symbol as you insert into the port. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, do not force it.

Incorrectly inserting the connector can can result in bent pins inside the port or possible overheating of the expansion board when connected.

Connecting cable connectors to Strip Lights

Take extra care when inserting connectors to ports on the Strip Lights. Connectors can be inserted only one way. With the Strip Light facing up, ensure the side of the connector with the wires exposed is facing down. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, don’t force it. Doing so will damage the plug and the connector.

Installing Bit Lights under LEGO® bricks and plates.

When installing Bit Lights under LEGO® pieces, ensure they are placed the correct way up (Yellow LED component exposed). You can either place them directly on top of LEGO® studs or in between.

OK, Let’s Begin!

Instructions for installing this kit

1.) We will start with installation of the headlights.

First remove the headlight sections as well as the indicator light sections and then disassemble these sections as per below.

2.) Take one of the bit lights with 30 cm cable and place the LED component part directly over the stud of the headlight. Ensure it is facing the correct way up and then secure it in place by reconnecting the trans dish piece over the top.

Reconnect this section back to the car ensuring the cable is facing inside of the bonnet.

3.) Remove the blue piece next to where the indicator light was and then take another bit light with 30cm cable and place it directly over the blue stud as per below.

Secure the bit light in place by reconnecting the indicator light piece directly over the top, ensuring the cable is facing toward the inside of the bonnet. Reconnect the blue piece we removed earlier ensuring the cable underneath is laid in between studs.

4.) Remove the spare tyre from the inside and then thread the 2 cables down underneath the car. Lift the car up and then using one cable at a time, thread the cable through holes of the LEGO pieces down towards the back of the car.

6.) Repeat the above process to install another 2 bit lights with 30cm cables to the left section of the front of the car.

7.) Place the tyre back inside and then close the bonnet.

8.) Take all 4 cables from underneath of the car and then connect them to the ports on the 8-port expansion board. To eliminate excess cables, wind the cables around the expansion board.

9.) We will now install the tail lights.

Start by removing the wheel, the blue LEGO piece on the right of the wheel, followed by the tail light section as per below.

10.) Remove the original trans red tile and discard. We are unable to install a bit light underneath this particular tile as it is flat.

Take one bit light with 15cm cable and place the LED component directly over the top of the grey stud. Ensure the LED component is facing the correct way up and then secure it in place by connecting the trans red 1×1 plate (provided in this kit) directly over the top. Ensure the cable is facing toward the left, as pictured below.

11.) Reconnect this tail light section with bit light installed back to the Beetle.

12.) Thread the cable across and then inside the spacing between the black and grey bricks. Lift the grey bricks where the wheel axle is and then secure the cable in place by reconnecting the grey bricks back over the top.

13.) Ensure the cable is laid between studs before then reconnecting the wheel and blue piece on the right of the wheel.

14.) Pull the cable from the tail light down from underneath the car and then connect this to the next available port on the expansion board.

15.) Turn the car over and then follow the previous steps to install another bit light to the right tail light.

16.) Thread the cable underneath the wheel axle like we did for the tail light on the other side, and then connect the cable into the next available port on the expansion board.

17.) Before we reconnect the wheel, remove the following pieces which make up the right back door.

18.) Take the Flat Battery Pack and insert 2x CR2032 batteries to it. Place it behind the back seat in the following position, with the cable facing the same way.

Important Note:
USB Power Cable has replaced Flat & Round Battery Packs (CR2032) as of June 2022 due to child safety regulations. Please use the USB Power Cable in place of the Battery Pack.

If you are using the USB Power Cable, you will be unable to hide the power source within the Beetle. Therefore, you will need to run the USB Power Cable out from beneath the car (where the disconnected wheel is).

19.) Thread the cable down the side and then underneath the car through the same spacing where we threaded the tail light. Connect the cable to the next available port on the expansion board.

20.) Reconnect the pieces we removed which make up the right back door and then reconnect the wheel and surrounding pieces.

21.) Wind any remaining excess cables around the expansion board and then tuck everything in underneath the car in the following space.

This finally completes installation of the VW Beetle Light Kit. We hope you enjoy your light kit.

We Thank YOU for purchasing this Light Kit!

Light My Bricks : Ghostbusters Ecto-1 & 2 75828 LED Lighting Kit

Here is the instructions document for the Lego Ecto-1 & 2 set 75828 LED lighting kit. Please read and follow the steps carefully to ensure this lighting kit is installed properly.

Package contents:

  • 5x White 30cm Bit Lights
  • 2x White 15cm Bit Lights
  • 4x Flashing White 15cm Bit Lights
  • 1x 12-port Expansion Board
  • 1x Flat Battery Pack (Requires 2x CR2032 batteries)

Important things to note:

Laying cables in between and underneath bricks

Cables can fit in between and underneath LEGO® bricks, plates, and tiles providing they are laid correctly between the LEGO® studs. Do NOT forcefully join LEGO® together around cables; instead ensure they are laying comfortably in between each stud.

CAUTION: Forcing LEGO® to connect over a cable can result in damaging the cable and light.

Connecting cable connectors to Expansion Boards

Take extra care when inserting connectors to ports of Expansion Boards. Connectors can be inserted only one way. With the expansion board facing up, look for the soldered “=” symbol on the left side of the port. The connector side with the wires exposed should be facing toward the soldered “=” symbol as you insert into the port. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, do not force it.

WARNING: Incorrectly inserting the connector can result in bent pins inside the port or possible overheating of the expansion board when connected.

Installing Bit Lights under LEGO® bricks and plates.

When installing Bit Lights under LEGO® pieces, ensure they are placed the correct way up (Yellow LED component exposed). You can either place them directly on top of LEGO® studs or in between.

OK, Let’s Begin!

Instructions for installing this kit

1.) We will start with installing headlights to Ecto-1. Start by removing the following pieces to allow us to then remove one of the headlight sections as per below.

2.) Disassemble the headlight piece and then take one bit light with 30cm cable and thread the connector side of the cable through the back of the white 1×1 brick with hole. Pull it all the way through from the front side of the brick until the LED component is sitting nicely in the inside of the brick. Ensure the LED component is facing the correct way.

You may need to bend the cable down on a 90 degree angle to ensure the LED component will face forward correctly

3.) Repeat this process to install the second bit light to this headlight section. Then reconnect the surrounding pieces of the headlight ensuring the cables for the bit lights are facing up in between the white triangular brick and 2 white bricks as per below.

4.) Before we can reconnect the headlight section back, remove the wheel from the same side then reconnect the headlight with installed lights ensuring the cables are facing toward the inside of the car.

Pull the cables toward the back and then down toward the middle, underneath the car. Secure the cables down by connecting them under the black LEGO 1×8 plate, then reconnect the wheel

5.) Repeat previous steps to install another 2 bit lights (with 30cm cable) to the headlight section on the left of the car.

Once you have both headlight sections installed, reconnect the LEGO pieces surrounding the bonnet of the car.

6.) We will now install lights to the tail lights. Start by removing the following pieces toward the back of the car, then remove the two sections of the tail lights followed by the back bumper with plate attached.

7.) Take one bit light (with 15cm cable) and place it on top of the bottom stud underneath the tail light. Secure it in place by reconnecting the tail light section directly over the top ensuring the cable is facing the inside of the car and LED component is facing the correct way up. Repeat this process for the other tail light and once complete, lay the 2 cables underneath the studs and then up the middle into the back of the car.

8.) Secure the cables in place by reconnecting the back bumper and flat white plate ensuring the cables are laid in between studs.

9.) Connect the other ends of the two tail light cables into to first available ports on the 12–port expansion board

10.) We now need to thread the cables from the headlights toward the back of the car. First remove the following pieces, to allow us to then remove one of the wheels.

11.) Take the first 2 cables from the right headlight and then thread them up the spacing where we removed the wheel, then secure these cables underneath the black LEGO 1×8 plate as per below. Reconnect the wheel over the top.

Pull the cables up from the inside of the car and then connect them into the next available ports on the 12-port expansion board

12.) Repeat the same process to thread the 2 light cables from the other side the car up behind the wheel, then secure it like we did underneath the other black LEGO 1×8 plate. Connect these 2 cables into the next available ports on the expansion board.

13.) Remove the following pieces from the back of the car and then wind all cables around the expansion board as per below. This will reduce any excess cable we do not require.

14.) Place the expansion board with wound up cables in the centre of the car and then reconnect the pieces on the side.

15.) Take the flat battery pack and insert 2x CR2032 batteries to it, then connect the battery pack cable into the next available port on the expansion board. Neatly place the battery pack in the back of the car ensuring that the battery switch is facing the back so that it is easily accessed when we want to turn on this light kit.

Reconnect the following pieces on the side.

Remember this section we removed earlier?

We will not be reconnecting this as we want to leave enough room in the back of the car for the expansion board and battery pack. We can discard these pieces. Don’t worry, we will still be able to connect the roof on properly later on.

16.) We will now move on to lighting sections of the roof starting with the back section. Disassemble the roof pieces as per below

Take 1x flashing bit light with 15 cm cable and place the LED component directly over the red stud as per below. Secure it in place by reconnecting the round black 2×2 plate over the top ensuring the LED component is clearly visible through the middle hole and that the cable is facing toward the front of the car. Reconnect the two trans red plates over the top.

17.) Take another flashing bit light with 15cm cable and place the LED component between the 2 grey studs on the left, as per below. Secure this in place by reconnecting the clear trans 2×2 plate over the top ensuring the cable is facing the same way as the other bit light and neatly laid in between the LEGO studs.

18.) Install another flashing bit light with 15cm cable to the next section, following the same process as the bit light on the left side (step 16). Reconnect the surrounding pieces of this section of the roof remembering to to lay all cables neatly in between studs.

19.) Take the 3 cables from the roof and wind them around each other so that they all come together forming one large cable.

Connect the 3 cables into the next available ports on the expansion board then reconnect this section back to the car

20.) We will now move onto installing another flashing light to the beacon at the front. Disconnect the front section of the roof by first removing the black plate underneath then remove the yellow beacon piece.

21.) Take the remaining flashing bit light with 15cm cable and place the LED component in the middle of the grey round 2×2 plate. Reconnect the yellow beacon piece over the top ensuring the cable is facing toward the back and laid neatly in between the studs.

22.) Take the middle section of the roof and remove the roof racks with equipment.

23.) Remove extra pieces from the middle roof section to allow us to lay the bit light cable underneath these pieces and in between studs. Reconnect these pieces we removed, securing the bit light cable in place.

Reconnect the roof rack with equipment, followed by the black plate underneath which holds the 2 sections of the roof together.

24.) Connect this flashing bit light cable for the yellow beacon into the next available port on the expansion board.

25.) Before we reconnect back the front and middle roof section, we need to install the last bit light to Kevin’s motorbike. Start by removing the clear trans round plate from the front, followed by the wheel.

Take the bit light with 30cm cable and place the LED component directly over the white stud and then secure it in place by reconnecting the clear trans round plate over the top.

Secure the cable in place by threading the cable underneath the black bike frame as per below. Reconnect the wheel.

26.) Thread the other end of the bit light cable through the back of the car and then connect it into the last remaining port of the expansion board. You can then reconnect the front and middle section of the roof back but first, don’t forget to place the mini figures in ecto-1!

27.) The bit light cable from the motorbike should be coming out the back of the car but the back door should still be able to close comfortably as per below.

This now completes the installation to your Light My Bricks lighting kit for Ecto-1 & 2. Simply open the back door, turn on the battery pack, and ENJOY!

Light My Bricks : Grand Emporium LED Lighting Kit

Here is the instructions document for the Lego Grand Emporium LED lighting kit.

To ensure a trouble-free installation of your light kit, please read and follow each step carefully. These instructions can be downloaded in PDF format here

Package contents:

  • 6x White Strip Lights
  • 14x White 30cm Bit Lights
  • 1x 12-port Expansion Board
  • 1x 8-port Expansion Board
  • 1x Lamp Post with LED and cable attached
  • 8x Adhesive squares
  • 5x LEGO Plates 1×6 (for mounting strip lights)
  • 1x USB Power Cable

Connecting Cables

  • 2x 5cm cable
  • 3x 15cm cable
  • 2x 30cm cable


Wireless Power Connectors:

If you wish to use Light My Bricks Wireless Power Connectors in between floors (sold separately), please scroll to the bottom of the page to view the instructions.

You will require the following extra parts (available for purchase through our DIY range)

  • 3x Wireless Power Connectors sets (available to purchase in a 2pk)
  • 1x 2-Port Expansion Board (available to purchase in a 4pk)
  • 1x 6-Port Expansion Board (available to purchase in a 2pk)


Important things to note:

Laying cables in between and underneath bricks

Cables can fit in between and underneath LEGO® bricks, plates, and tiles providing they are laid correctly between the LEGO® studs. Do NOT forcefully join LEGO® together around cables; instead ensure they are laying comfortably in between each stud.

CAUTION: Forcing LEGO® to connect over a cable can result in damaging the cable and light.

Connecting cable connectors to Strip Lights

Take extra care when inserting connectors to ports on the Strip Lights. Connectors can be inserted only one way. With the Strip Light facing up, ensure the side of the connector with the wires exposed is facing down. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, don’t force it. Doing so will damage the plug and the connector.

Connecting cable connectors to Expansion Boards

Take extra care when inserting connectors to ports of Expansion Boards. Connectors can be inserted only one way. With the expansion board facing up, look for the soldered “=” symbol on the left side of the port. The connector side with the wires exposed should be facing toward the soldered “=” symbol as you insert into the port. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, do not force it.

WARNING: Incorrectly inserting the connector can result in bent pins inside the port or possible overheating of the expansion board when connected.

Installing Bit Lights under LEGO® bricks and plates.

When installing Bit Lights under LEGO® pieces, ensure they are placed the correct way up (Yellow LED component exposed). You can either place them directly on top of LEGO® studs or in between.

OK, Let’s Begin!

Instructions for installing this kit

1.) This lighting kit is installed from the bottom up. Start by removing the 2nd and top levels of the modular building.

2.) To enable us to lay the cable for the lamp post underneath the brick tiles, remove the stock lamp post and mail box, as well as the following tiles as per below.

3.) Replace the stock lamp post with the Light My Bricks lamp post ensuring that the cable is laid in the middle of the 2 studs facing toward the right of the building. Gently bend the base plate down and lift the building of the ground floor up so we can thread the cable for the lamp post underneath the building wall.

Pull the cable all the way up from the inside of the building underneath the wall and then use some sticky tape to secure the cable to the wall and to prevent it from being seen from the outside looking in.

4.) Ensure the lamp post cable is laid neatly in between the Lego studs before reconnecting the tiles we removed earlier, followed by the mail box.

5.) We will now light up the lamps on the sides as well as two green shades. First remove the following Lego pieces to allow us access.

6.) Remove one of the pillars and then disconnect the top 2 layers. Disconnect the lamp and disassemble it as per below.

7.) Take 1x Bit Light and thread the connector end through the top whole of the black brick and out through the bottom end. Pull it all the way through until the LED reaches the end and then secure it in place by reconnecting the trans yellow piece.

8.) Reattach the lamp with bit light installed onto the pillar ensuring the cable is laid in between the 2 black Lego studs, then reconnect the top two layers of the pillar.

Reconnect the pillar back to the wall of the building ensuring the cable is behind in between the wall and pillar.

Repeat steps 6–8 to install another bit light to the lamp on the left side of this building.

9.) Take the green shades and disconnect the grey piece from underneath each one.

Take one of the sections and install a bit light underneath in the following position and then secure it in place by reconnecting the grey piece we removed earlier. Ensure the cable for this bit light is behind and in between the grey piece and green pieces.

Repeat this step to install another bit light to the other green shade section.

10.) Reconnect both green shades to the building ensuring the cables for both lights are sitting between the grey studs as per below.

11.) Reconnect the pieces we removed earlier

12.) Take the cables from the 4 lights we just installed and then connect them to spare ports (1 away from the right) of the 12-port expansion board. To eliminate excess cable, wind them around the board until you have about 5–6 cm of slack.

Take the cable from lamp post and connect this into the far right port of the expansion board.

13.) Mount the expansion board onto the inside of the building (on the front wall) using two of the provided adhesive squares, as show below:

Using the USB Power Cable, connect to the expansion board and connect the other end to a USB Power Bank or wall adaptor (sold separately) and turn it ON to test the front lights are working OK.

14.) We will now install lights to the other side of the building.

Repeat steps 5–10 to install another 4 bit lights (2 for the pillar lamps and another 2 for the green shades)

15.) You should now have another 4 lights installed to this side of the building. Before reconnecting the pieces surrounding the top, ensure the cable for the left pillar lamp is threaded across the top of the windows toward the right

16.) Connect the 4 bit lights we just installed the next available ports on the 12-port expansion board.

17.) Lay the cables neatly around the top of the inside of the building as shown below. You can also lay the cables underneath the grey tiles surrounding the top as well as use sticky tape to secure them down (as I have done so for the cables toward the right of the expansion board)

Do your best to hide as much cable as you can from being seen from the outside of the building

Test the lights we have installed so far. Leave the USB Power Cable connected to the Expansion Board as we will be testing again from this USB cable (You can position the Power Bank however you want).

18.) Take one strip light and connect one 15cm cable to the left port and another 15cm cable to the right port. We have a total of six strip lights so we will identify this as striplight#1.

Stick the strip light underneath the centre of the roof in the following position and then thread both cables up in between the doors and ceiling. Pull them up from inside of the building.

We are sticking the strip light directly onto the ceiling rather than a 1×6 Lego plate so that it is not as obvious from the front

19.) Connect the cable from the right port of striplight#1 into the next available port on the expansion board then hide the excess cable underneath one of the grey tiles.

20.) Take the entire second floor and then connect/stick another strip light (striplight#2) on to the bottom of it, in the following position. Take a 30cm connecting cable and connect it to the left port.

Connect the loose 15cm cable from striplight#1 into the right port of striplight#2

21.) Hide the 15cm cable underneath the white Lego plate and then thread the other end of the 30cm cable up to the next floor above. Connect back the second level and then pull up the 30cm cable from underneath.

Secure this cable behind the escalator by first disconnecting the main section of the escalator and then threading the cable behind.

22.) Take the entire third level and then pop it onto its side. Take another two strip lights (striplight#3 and #4) and connect/stick them in the following positions. Connect a 5cm cable in between the strip lights and take a 30cm cable and connect it to the right port of striplight#3. All shown below.

23.) Connect the loose cable from the level below into the spare port of striplight#4

Hide the 30cm cable underneath the white Lego plate before threading the other end of it up to the next level above.

Reconnect back the entire third level and then pull the 30cm cable up from underneath.

Now is a good time to test (again) the lights we have installed so far. To do this, connect the other end of this cable to a spare expansion board and then connect the battery pack cable/usb cable to it. Turn on to verify all is working.

24.) We will now light up the chandelier. First disconnect it from the wall and then disconnect the centre piece by first pulling down the surrounding pieces.

25.) Take a bit light and thread the connector end through the back of the Lego 1×1 trans brick and then out through the base of the brick. Pull it all the way through and then stick the bit light onto one of the black studs (closest to the top middle) using an adhesive square.

26.) Repeat this step for another 2 bit lights so that we have 3 bit lights stuck to the 3 black studs closest to the front of the chandelier. Then reconnect the centre piece we removed earlier.

27.) Close up the surrounding pieces of the chandelier and then reconnect the chandelier back to the wall of the third floor. Wind the 3 cables around the grey pole as shown below. Leave the ends of the cables for now as we will connect them to an expansion board on the roof later.

28.) Take the roof of the building and then connect/stick another two strip lights (striplight#5 and #6) underneath in the following positions. Take a 5cm cable and connect it between the two strip lights.

Connect a 15cm cable to the left port of striplight#6

29.) Flip the roof over and then disconnect the black 2×16 plate in the centre of the sky light, as well as the top window. Pull the 15cm cable from striplight#6 up and then reconnect pieces.

30.) Connect this cable into the first port of the 8-port expansion board

31.) Lift the roof up again and connect the other end of the the 30 cm cable from the level below to the right port of striplight#5. Then reconnect the roof

32.) Take the 3 cables from the chandelier and then pull them to the right and then up across the roof of the building. Lay them down neatly and secure them down using any spare Lego plate or brick you might have, ensuring the cables are in between the studs.

33.) Connect the cables from the chandelier to the next available ports on the 8-port expansion board and then secure the expansion board to the inside of the roof’s edge using 2x self adhesive squares. Neatly lay the cables down below.

34.) We will now light up the Emporium billboard. Take one bit light and stick it to the inside of one of the light pieces using a self adhesive square. Then wind the cable around the light pole a few times before threading it behind into one of the black holes of the billboard base.

Repeat this step for another two bit lights so all 3 billboard lights are installed.

35.) Take the 3 cables and ensure they are wound and threaded around the billboard base as per below.

36.) Connect all three cables into the next available ports on the 8-port expansion board and then neatly lay the cables down as per below.

37.) Test that the lights work


This now completes installation of your Grand Emporium LED Lighting kit. Simply turn on and ENJOY!


Wireless Power Connectors:

If you wish to use Light My Bricks Wireless Power Connectors in between floors (sold separately), you will require the following extra parts (available for purchase through our DIY range)

  • 3x Wireless Power Connectors sets (available to purchase in a 2pk)
  • 1x 2-Port Expansion Board (available to purchase in a 4pk)
  • 1x 6-Port Expansion Board (available to purchase in a 2pk)


1.) Begin disconnecting the 3 Bit Lights from the 8-Port Expansion Board that light up the chandelier.



2.) Lift up the roof slightly before disconnecting the connecting cable connected to the strip light on the ceiling, then remove the roof.



3.) Lift up the 2nd floor slightly before disconnecting the connecting cable connected to the strip light on the ceiling, then remove the 2nd floor.



4.) Lift up the 1st floor slightly, before disconnecting the connecting cable connected to the strip light on the ceiling, then remove the 1st floor.



5.) Disconnect the other end of the loose connecting cable from the strip light at the front entrance.



6.) From your first set of wireless power connectors, use a tile side wireless power connector and connect above the front entrance as shown. Ensure the wire is facing toward the back of the building, then connect it to the expansion board.



7.) Use the plate side wireless power connector and connect it underneath the 1st floor in the following position. Connect the connector end to the strip light, then reconnect the first floor above the ground floor. Ensure both wireless connector contacts align wit each other when you place the first floor on top.



8.) Attach an adhesive square to the 2-Port Expansion Board before connecting the expansion board to the loose connecting cable on the 1st floor.



9.) From another Wireless Power Connector set, use the tile side and connect it above the first floor as shown. Once attached, connect it to the 2-Port Expansion Board.



10.)  Mount the expansion board to the wall on the first floor as shown.



11.) Moving onto the 2nd floor, flip onto it’s side as shown. Use the plate side wireless power connector and connect it underneath the floor in the following position before connecting it to the strip light (Secure the wire under the grey LEGO 2×10 plate).


Reconnect the 2nd floor on top ensuring both wireless connector contacts align correctly.



12.) Test the lights



13.) Attach 2x Adhesive Squares to the bottom of a 6-Port Expansion Board. Connect the connecting cable from the second floor as well as the bit lights from the chandelier to the 6-Port Expansion Board before twisting/braiding the wires to ensure a cleaner look.


Mount he expansion board to the wall in the following position.



14.) From the last wireless power connector set, connect the tile side to the top of the second floor as shown before connecting it to the 6-Port Expansion Board.



15.) Take the roof and turn it over before connecting the plate side wireless power connector underneath in the below position. Connect the cable to the strip light, then secure the wire between the 2×10 Plate.



Important Note:

Ensure the wireless power connector cable is connected so that the wire is facing down, then bring the wire over the connector. This is to ensure the ‘+’ and ‘-‘ contacts from both connectors are correctly aligned


Finally, re-connect the roof back to the set.

16.) Test the lights!


Wireless Power Connectors Install Tip

If you’re having connectivity / contact issues with the Wireless Power Connectors, try the following tip to help resolve the issue:


Pull the terminal contacts further out. Use a pair of tweezers to gently pull out both terminal contacts from the plate.

This will ensure that both plate and tile connectors are can easily make contact.

Light My Bricks: Batman Tumbler LED Lighting Kit


Here is the instructions document for the Lego Batman Tumbler LED lighting kit. Please read and follow the steps carefully to ensure this lighting kit is installed properly.

If you run into any issues, please refer to the online troubleshooting guide.

To ensure a trouble-free installation of your light kit, please read and follow each step carefully. These instructions can be downloaded in PDF format here


Package contents:

  • 8 x White Bit Lights (15cm)
  • 1 x 12 Port Expansion board
  • 1 x Round Battery Pack (requires two CR2032 batteries)

Important things to note:

Laying cables in between and underneath bricks

Cables can fit in between and underneath LEGO® bricks, plates, and tiles providing they are laid correctly between the LEGO® studs. Do NOT forcefully join LEGO® together around cables; instead ensure they are laying comfortably in between each stud.
CAUTION: Forcing LEGO® to connect over a cable can result in damaging the cable and light.

Connecting cable connectors to Expansion Boards

Take extra care when inserting connectors to ports of Expansion Boards. Connectors can be inserted only one way. With the expansion board facing up, look for the soldered “=” symbol on the left side of the port. The connector side with the wires exposed should be facing toward the soldered “=” symbol as you insert into the port. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, do not force it. Incorrectly inserting the connector can result in bent pins inside the port or possible overheating of the expansion board when connected.

Installing Bit Lights under LEGO® bricks and plates.

When installing Bit Lights under LEGO® pieces, ensure they are placed the correct way up (Yellow LED component exposed). You can either place them directly on top of LEGO® studs or in between.

OK, Let’s Begin!

Instructions for installing this kit

This model has 4 lights low on the front of the vehicle and another 4 above the windscreen. As we install the lights, we are going to run the wires into the cockpit. This is where we will connect them up to the expansion board as seen in the picture below. (Depending on what version of the kit you have, you may have a lot of excess wire as seen in this picture if 30cm bit lights are used).
We will start with the front lower lights. We need to deconstruct the model a bit so we can access the modified bricks with headlight.
Starting on the left hand side, remove the loose fitting piece that partially covers the windshield. Do this by lifting it straight up as seen in the picture above.
Remove the long wedge plate that has a smaller wedge plate attached to it. If you lift from the outside (thick end of the wedge) then the whole bit will easily come away.
Remove the 1 x 8 tile piece that is now accessible.
Remove the 2 x 8 plate that is next to the headlight pieces. This plate has a 1 x 2 tile on it that can stay where it is attached to the plate. The outermost stud on this plate has a dark bluish grey bracket attached to it. It will detach from the other piece that it is joined to, but do this carefully so that everything remains roughly in place. Press the bracket back into position so that everything is where is was before the 2 x 8 plate was removed.
Remove both headlight bricks.
There are a couple of slope bricks next to where the headlight bricks were. Remove both of them.
Now remove the 1 x 10 dark bluish grey brick (that has a black 1 x 2 plate attached to it). If you give it a wiggle, it will come loose. Feel free to use a brick separator if you have one handy.
Repeat these steps for the right hand side of the model.
Remove the 2 x 4 tile from the centre piece.
Remove the 1 x 2 brick from the left hand side of the centre piece. It is behind where the 2 x 4 tile you previously removed was.
There is 1 x 6 plate that had the 1 x 2 brick you just removed attached to it. Lift the plate from the left hand side to detach it and then push it out the right hand side of the model.
Remove the top two gold bars.
Behind where the gold bar was attached is a technic brick. There is half a hole in this brick that is accessible right at the centre piece of the model.
Grab two Bit Lights and feed them one at a time through this half hole in the technic brick.
Push the wires through leaving a few cm of wire outside the vehicle.
Run the Bit Light wires around the back of the upright pole that the gold bars connect to. Reconnect the gold bars.
Grab the 1 x 8 plate that still has a couple of other pieces attached to it. This is the one we removed from the centre. Feed it back through from the right hand side and lock it in to position.
Get the 1 x 2 brick and put that back into position on the left had side of the centre.
Grab the 2 x 4 tile and lock that back into position.
Grab the bit lights and feed the wires up behind the centre 1 x 8 plate. The gap is narrow so pry the 1 x 8 plate up a fraction on each side as needed to get the wires back there. Make sure the wires are side by side and not twisted around each other.
The Bit Light goes in through the back of the Headlight Brick. We want to make sure that the yellow LED element is facing the front for the best lighting effect.
Put a headlight brick back in place to help gauge the length of wire required to fit the bit light. Gently pull the bit light wires through from the cockpit, remembering to move that 1 x 8 plate as required to let the wires move relatively freely. We want the LED to be approximately at the centre of the headlight brick with very little excess wire.
Put the headlight bricks back in place, and work the LED end of the Bit Light in to the back, remember that the yellow LED element faces the front. I like to remove the trans clear round tiles so that I can more easily see what is going on inside the brick.
This part can be frustrating. Take your time. Getting this part right is important. Use a pen lid or another plastic implement to help you manoeuvre the lights into position.
Once you think you have your Bit Lights in the headlight brick and facing the right way, grab the 1 x 10 dark bluish grey brick (that should still have a 1 x 2 plate attached to it). Put it back into position. This brick sits behind the headlight bricks and will hold everything in place. Now is a good time to test the lights. Reach in through the cockpit and connect the Bit Lights to the 12 Port Expansion board.
Connect the battery pack to the 12 Port Expansion board as well and turn it on.
As you can see, the Bit Light on the right hand side is not as bright as the other three. Looks like I messed up!
It turns out that particular light was facing the back. So I removed the headlight brick, turned the Bit Light around and now all the lights are bright! We can continue reassembling the front of the vehicle.
Put the two slope bricks back in place right next to the headlight pieces.
Put the 2 x 8 plate back in place remembering that one of the outer studs needs to fit under the dark bluish grey bracket piece.
Replace the 1 x 8 plate.
Replace the long wedge plate that has a smaller wedge plate attached to it.
Replace the loose fitting piece that partially covers the windshield. Now we can work on the lights above the windshield.
Lift and remove the set of pieces that run along the top of the windshield and down over the top of the cockpit. These pieces contain the headlight bricks that we are going to light up.
There is a 1 x 4 panel piece on each side that covers the back of the headlight bricks. Remove the panel pieces.
Now that the back of the headlight bricks are visible, we can fit the bit lights. As we did before, we want the LED sitting inside the headlight brick with the yellow element facing the front. Run the bit light wire back towards the centre.
Once you have two bit lights resting in position, grab the 1 x 4 panel and reattach it so that it holds the bit lights in position.
Repeat fitting bit lights to both sides. Try and keep the wires down so that they come out where the side of the panel is, rather than the top. Fitting these lights is easier than fitting the first set of lights. All the same, go ahead and test them to make sure you are satisfied that they are all facing forward.
Replace the set of pieces that we have just been working with.
Connect the four bit lights that we have just fitted to the 12 port expansion board.
Connect the battery pack to the 12 port expansion board.
Push the 12 port expansion board down beside the seat. Rest the battery pack on the seat and turn it on.
Replace the two top pieces and you’re done! Enjoy.

Light My Bricks : Simpsons House LED Lighting Kit

Here is the instructions document for the Lego Simpsons House LED lighting kit. Please read and follow the steps carefully to ensure this lighting kit is installed properly.

House Package contents:

  • 12x LED White Strip Lights
  • 12x LEGO Plates 1×6 (for mounting strip lights)
  • 2x White 30cm Bit Lights
  • 4x White 15cm Bit Lights
  • 2x 6-Port Expansion boards
  • 1x 30cm Connecting Cable
  • 6x 15cm Connecting Cables
  • 5x 5cm Connecting cables
  • 1x AA Battery Pack (3x AA batteries not included)
  • 1x Flat Battery Pack (2x CR2032 batteries included)
  • 3x Adhesive squares

Important things to note:

Laying cables in between and underneath bricks

Cables can fit in between and underneath LEGO® bricks, plates, and tiles providing they are laid correctly between the LEGO® studs. Do NOT forcefully join LEGO® together around cables; instead ensure they are laying comfortably in between each stud.

CAUTION: Forcing LEGO® to connect over a cable can result in damaging the cable and light.

Connecting cable connectors to Strip Lights

Take extra care when inserting connectors to ports on the Strip Lights. Connectors can be inserted only one way. With the Strip Light facing up, ensure the side of the connector with the wires exposed is facing down. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, don’t force it. Doing so will damage the plug and the connector.

Connecting cable connectors to Expansion Boards

Take extra care when inserting connectors to ports of Expansion Boards. Connectors can be inserted only one way. With the expansion board facing up, look for the soldered “=” symbol on the left side of the port. The connector side with the wires exposed should be facing toward the soldered “=” symbol as you insert into the port. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, do not force it.

WARNING: Incorrectly inserting the connector can result in bent pins inside the port or possible overheating of the expansion board when connected.

Installing Bit Lights under LEGO® bricks and plates.

When installing Bit Lights under LEGO® pieces, ensure they are placed the correct way up (Yellow LED component exposed). You can either place them directly on top of LEGO® studs or in between.

OK, Let’s Begin!

Instructions for installing lights to the Simpsons Car

1.) Turn the car over and remove the two black 1×8 plates

2.) Remove the rego plate which will then allow us to remove the two head light sections.

Disassemble the sections as per below:

3.) Take a White 15cm Bit Light and then thread the LED up through the bottom of the pink brick ensuring the LED component is facing toward the front.

You can bend the wire in a hook angle so that the LED stays in place

Connect the base section back securing the cable in place.

Repeat this step to install another White 15cm Bit Light to the second headlight section.

4.) Reconnect both headlights to the front of the car ensuring cables are face toward the middle of the car, then reconnect the two black 1×8 plates as well as the rego plate we removed earlier.

Ensure cables are threaded toward the centre

5.) Remove the roof and back window, as well as the brown brick (and 2x grey 1×1 bricks underneath) in the back of the car.

Note: We will be discarding the brown and grey pieces in order to fit the battery pack in the back of the car

Turn the car over again and remove the two back 1×8 plates.

6.) Thread the two cables from the headlights up the spacing in between the wheels and then pull the cables up from the other side of the car.

7.) Remove the two tail light sections as well as the rego plate from the back.

Remove the trans red plate and then take a White 15cm Bit Light and then place it in the centre of the studs as per below.

Reconnect the trans red plate to secure the Bit Light in place and then repeat this process to install another White 15 cm Bit Light to the other tail light.

8.) Reconnect both tail light sections to the back of the car ensuring cables are facing toward the centre.

Lay the cables in between the grey studs below before reconnecting the rego plate over the top.

Turn the car over and then thread the two cables from the tail lights up the spacing in between the wheels. Pull the cables up from the other side.

9.) Take a 6-Port Expansion Board and then connect the two cables from the tail lights into the middle ports.

Wind the cables around the expansion board to eliminate excess cabling then connect the two cables from the headlights to the next ports.

10) Reconnect the two black 1×8 plate at the bottom of the car.

11.) Take the Flat Battery Pack and then insert 2x CR2032 batteries to it. Place the Expansion board over to the back seat so that you can then place the battery pack flat on top. Ensure the on/off switch is facing the back of the car.

12.) Take the Boot cover section and then connect it to the back window before reconnecting to the back of the car. We are connecting it this way as we have removed the brown piece underneath in order to fit the battery pack in.

Reconnect sections of the roof

This now completes installation of the Simpsons Car Light Kit. Turn on via the battery pack, close the boot and move on to installing the Light Kit for the Simpsons House.

Instructions for installing lights to the Simpsons House

This Lego tool will be required as it will be used to remove the the upper level as well as other Lego pieces.

1.) We will start by installing lights to the garage. First seperate the garage from the house and then install one LED strip light (striplight#1) by sticking/connecting it to the left side of the roof as pictured below. Take a 15cm connecting cable and connect it to the right port of the LED strip light.

2.) Insert 3x AA batteries into the battery pack and then place in the back of the garage. Plug the battery pack cable into the left port of the strip light and turn the battery pack on to test. You can use a few Lego bricks to secure the battery pack and to prevent it from moving around – I have used a few 1×4 and 2×2 bricks in this example.

Ensure the 15cm cable is pulled through to the outside underneath the roof. Place the right side of the roof back on.

3.) Remove the upstairs section of the house which sits on top of the living room and then install another LED strip light (striplight#2) to the follow position. Then take a 15cm cable and connect it to the left port as shown below:

Connect the 15cm cable from the garage into the right port of the strip light we just installed.

4.) Thread the other end of the 15cm cable from striplight#2 down the spacing in between the wall and kitchen then pull it through from the other side.

5.) Use the Lego removal tool to seperate the top floor from the bottom floor. You will need to slide the Lego tool all the way across to the left side of the house. We need to create enough space to thread cables in between the walls.

6.) Take another strip light (striplight#3) and connect another 15cm cable to the left port. Then connect the 15cm cable from striplight#2 into the right port of striplight#3

Connect the strip light to the ceiling of the kitchen in the follow position

7.) Remove the brown 1×12 Lego brick to then allow us to thread the other end of the 15cm cable from striplight#3 across to the next room.

Reconnect the brown Lego brick.

8.) Take another strip light (striplight#4) and connect another 15cm cable to the left port. Then connect the other end of the 15cm cable from striplight#3 to the right port.

Connect the strip light to the ceiling of the kitchen in the following position

9.) Remove the large Lego brick in the middle of the living room to allow us to then thread the 15cm cable from striplight#4 over to the wall into this room.

10.) Take another strip light (striplight#5) and connect a 5cm connecting cable to the left port. Connect the other end of this cable into any port on the 6-port expansion board.

Connect the other end of the 15cm cable from striplight#4 into the right port of striplight#5.

11.) Connect striplight#5 to the ceiling of the living room in the following position.

12.) We will now install an LED light to the lamp in Lisa’s room. Start by removing the blue shelf, followed by the lamp.

Disconnect the transparent yellow and pink pieces, then take a Bit Light and thread it through the smaller hole (plug side first). Thread it all the way through until the LED component is at the top.

Secure the Bit Light in place by reconnecting the transparent yellow and pink pieces we removed earlier over the top.

13.) Reconnect the lamp back to the bedside table and then reconnect the blue shelf ensuring the cable from the lamp is behind the shelf and pulled downward.

14.) We will now install another bit light to the front of the house. Use the lego removal tool to disconnect the upper level at the base as per below. You can slide the lego tool all the way across to help seperate the 2 levels.

15.) Turn the house over to the front and remove the top of the door frame (brown piece). Take another Bit Light and stick it underneath the door frame in the centre using the self adhesive square. Ensure the cable is facing behind.

16.) Remove the 1×6 lego brick as per below and then reconnect the top of the door frame ensuring the Bit Light cable is laid behind in between studs of the 1×6 brick. Reconnect this brick over the top of the cable.

17.) Pull the bit light cable behind the ceiling and then take this along with the bit light from Lisa’s room and then connect them both into spare ports on the expansion board.

18.) Take a 30cm connecting cable and connect this into a spare port of the expansion board.

19) Stick the expansion board to the left corner of the ceiling using one of the provided adhesive squares.

20.) Pull the cable from the bit light from Lisa’s room through to the living room ensuring the cable is laid in between the Lego studs as per below. Pull the 30cm cable from the expansion board toward the front of the house ensuring it is laid in between the same Lego studs.

Hide the rest of the cables behind the piano.

21.) Replace the long Lego brick we removed earlier and then reconnect the entire top floor by pushing down gently at the bases of the top floor.

22.) Remove the roof off the top floor section as well as the blue shelf from Lisa’s room and then pull the 30cm cable up and toward the back of corner of room. Secure/hide this cable along with the bit light cable behind the blue shelf.

23.) Lay the 30 cm cable underneath the Lego tile.

24.) Now take the roof of this main section and then stick/connect 3 striplights (striplight#6, #7, & #8) to the following positions. Take two 5cm cables and connect them between striplight#6 and #7, and #7 and #8.

25.) Connect a 15cm cable to the right port of striplight#8

26.) Take the 30cm cable from the back of Lisa’s room and then pull it to the front and the secure it underneath the Lego tile in the top left corner.

27.) Take the roof section with 3 strip lights installed and connect the 30cm cable to the left port of striplight#6

Before reconnecting the roof, secure the 15cm cable from striplight#8 by laying this underneath the Lego tile as shown below. Ensure you leave about 5–6 cm of cable free between this tile and the strip light. To make it easier to do this, you can remove the top of the chimney.

28.) Take the roof above Maggie’s crib off and then take another strip light (striplight#9) and connect/stick it to the following position. Then take another 15cm cable and connect it to the right port.

Connect the other end of the cable from striplight#8 and connect this to the left port of striplight#9. Then reconnect the roof back.

29.) Take the roof off the next section and the connect/stick another 3 strip lights (striplight#10 #11 & #12) to the following positions. Take a 5cm cable and connect it in between striplight#10 and #11 and connect another 5cm cable in between striplight#11 and #12

30.) Connect the 15cm cable from striplight#9 and connect this into striplight#10. Secure the cable in place by laying this underneath the brown Lego plate as shown below

Reconnect the roof.

This completes installation of the Simpsons House LED lighting kit. Turn on and enjoy!

Light My Bricks : Pet Shop LED Lighting Kit

Here is the instructions document for the Light My Bricks Pet Shop LED lighting kit.

To ensure a trouble-free installation of your light kit, please read and follow each step carefully. These instructions can be downloaded in PDF format here

Package contents:

  • 7x White Strip Lights
  • 3x White 30cm Bit Lights
  • 1x 6-port Expansion Board
  • 1x Lamp Post with LED and cable attached
  • 2x Adhesive squares
  • 7x Lego Plates 1×6 for mounting Strip Lights
  • 1x USB Power Cable

Connecting Cables

  • 1x 5cm cable
  • 5x 15cm cable
  • 1x 30cm cable

Wireless Power Connectors:

If you wish to use Light My Bricks Wireless Power Connectors in between floors (sold separately), please scroll to the bottom of the page to view the instructions.

You will require the following extra parts (available for purchase through our DIY range)

  • 6x Wireless Power Connectors sets (available to purchase in a 2pk)
  • 4x 2-Port Expansion Board (available to purchase in a 4pk)
  • 1x 8-Port Expansion Board (available to purchase in a 2pk)
  • 3x 1×6 Plate (Any Colour) (Available to Purchase)
  • 2 1×2 Plate (Any Colour) (Not sold but it is a common LEGO piece)
  • 1x 1×4 Tile (Any Colour) (Not sold but it is a common LEGO piece)The LEGO pieces are interchangeable as long as the replacements can fulfil the same role/purpose.

Important things to note:

Laying cables in between and underneath bricks

Cables can fit in between and underneath LEGO® bricks, plates, and tiles providing they are laid correctly between the LEGO® studs. Do NOT forcefully join LEGO® together around cables; instead ensure they are laying comfortably in between each stud.

CAUTION: Forcing LEGO® to connect over a cable can result in damaging the cable and light.

Connecting cable connectors to Strip Lights

Take extra care when inserting connectors to ports on the Strip Lights. Connectors can be inserted only one way. With the Strip Light facing up, ensure the side of the connector with the wires exposed is facing down. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, don’t force it. Doing so will damage the plug and the connector.

Connecting cable connectors to Expansion Boards

Take extra care when inserting connectors to ports of Expansion Boards. Connectors can be inserted only one way. With the expansion board facing up, look for the soldered “=” symbol on the left side of the port. The connector side with the wires exposed should be facing toward the soldered “=” symbol as you insert into the port. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, do not force it.

WARNING: Incorrectly inserting the connector can result in bent pins inside the port or possible overheating of the expansion board when connected.

Installing Bit Lights under LEGO® bricks and plates.

When installing Bit Lights under LEGO® pieces, ensure they are placed the correct way up (Yellow LED component exposed). You can either place them directly on top of LEGO® studs or in between.

OK, Let’s Begin!

Instructions for installing this kit

1.) Start by separating the 2 buildings and then remove the 2nd and top levels from the Red building as we will install lights to this section first.

2.) Remove the following pieces which make up the top frame of the front door. Save the last section as we will install a bit light to it.

3.) Turn this section over so that we can see the bottom of it. Take 1 bit light and place it in the middle of the plate as per below. Ensure that the LED component part is facing the correct way up.

Reconnect this section back to original position but first place your thumb over the bit light so that it does not fall out of place when we turn the Lego section over. Ensure the cable for the bit light is on the inside of the building and laid in between Lego studs. When you look from underneath, you should be able to just see the LED component peeping through.

Reconnect the Lego pieces we removed in previous steps.

4.) Pull the excess cable toward the right and then lay it in between the brown studs underneath the white Lego plate as per below. This helps hide excess cable and secures it in place. The cable should be now secured and there should be roughly 12–15cm in length between the wall and connector. Leave this end of the cable for now as We will connect this to the other side of the Pet Shop later on.

5.) Take the entire 2nd floor and then turn if over on its back so that we can see the bottom of it. Take 1 strip light and connect or stick it (depending on which option you choose) in the following position. We will refer to this as striplight#1. Take a 30cm connecting cable and plug it into the left port of the strip light.

6.) Take another 15cm cable and connect it to the right port of the strip light. Secure this cable by reconnecting the white lego plate over it.

7.) Thread the other side of the cable we connected into the left port up the space which leads to the level above. Flip the 2nd floor over and then reconnect it in place. Locate the cable we threaded up earlier and pull it up. Secure it in place by pulling it in between the 4th & 5th step from the top. This should lock the cable in place as it is a tight gap between the step and wall.

8.) Take the 3rd level and then turn it on its back so that we can see underneath. Take another 2 strip lights and connect them together using a 5cm connecting cable, then connect/stick them in the following positions. These will be identified as striplight#2 and striplight#3.

9.) Take the 30cm cable that we pulled up from underneath and connect this into the left port of striplight#2.

Lay access cable toward the front of the building underneath the grey Lego tiles as per below.

10.) Take a 15cm cable and connect it into the left port of striplight#3 then thread this up to the level above.

Place the entire 3rd level back into the correct position ensuring that striplight#3 is clearly visible from the front of the building just above the window of the 2nd floor.

11.) Take the roof of the red building and then connect/stick another strip light (striplight#4) in the following position underneath. Connect the 15cm cable which we pulled up from the lower level into the left port of the strip light.

12.) Using the USB Power Cable, connect it to the strip light.

You can secure the USB power bank/battery pack in place and prevent it from moving around by using a few spare Lego bricks which is what I have done as per below.


13.) Reconnect the roof on and connect the USB power cable to a USB Power Bank or wall adaptor (sold separately) and turn it ON to test the front lights are working OK.

You should have 2 cables sticking out through the right of the building (connecting cable and bit light cable)

Note: that the front door light will not be working as we have yet to connect this to any expansion board.


14.) We will now move on to the “pet shop” side of the building. First remove the 2nd and 3rd levels.

Remove the lamp post as well as the following Lego tiles.

Remove the set of brown steps.

Note: You can tilt the base plate down a little to help easily disconnect the steps.

Take the Light My Bricks lamp post with LED and cable attached and connect this to the base plate ensuring the cable is facing toward the shop. Thread the cable through the doorway and pull the other end of this cable up from the inside of the shop.

Lay the cable in between the green studs as pictured below before reconnecting the set of brown steps as well as the grey tiles we removed earlier.

15.) Push the porch light back and then disassemble the following pieces as per below.

16.) Take a bit light and place it in the middle of the 4 grey studs ensuring the LED component part is facing the correct way up. Secure this bit light in place by reconnecting the transparent yellow Lego light piece directly over the top. Ensure that the cable is facing the same way as per below. The bit light should sit comfortably in the middle of the light piece. Once this is done, reconnect the transparent globe piece over the top.

Turn the porch light back toward the original position.

17.) Remove the following Lego pieces which surround the front windows of the Pet shop.

Take the below pieces and then install another bit light to the bottom of the blue and white roof. Secure the bit light in place by reconnecting the brown window underneath ensuring that the bit light cable is facing the inside of the building and laying in between the brown studs. The LED component should be visible if you look from underneath.

Reconnect the windows and surrounding pieces to original positions.

18.) Take the cable from the bit light we just installed as well as porch bit light and twist/wind them together.

Take the 6-port expansion board from this kit and connect the 2 cables we twisted together into the the spare ports of the expansion board. Wind the 2 cables around the expansion board to free up the excess cable as per below.

19.) Take the cables from the lamp post as well as the front door bit light from the red building and plug them into the next available ports on the expansion

Before you connect the cable from the front door of the red building, lay this cable underneath one of the grey tiles as per below.

20.) Connect the 15cm cable we connected to striplight#1 from the red building into a spare port of the expansion board then take another 15cm cable and connect it into the final port on the expansion board.

Secure the expansion board to the top of the building using a self adhesive square like I have done below. We need to keep the cables from being obviously seen from the outside front of the building so do your best to hide these cables.

You will notice that the cable from the lamp post is dangling down. You can hide this by simply using a little bit of sticky tape to stick the cable to the wall as shown below.

21.) Take the 2nd level and place it on top of the ground floor. Tip it on its back and connect/stick a strip light (Striplight#5) to the bottom of it in the following position. Connect the other end of the 15cm cable we connected earlier to the expansion board into the left port of the strip light.

22.) Take another 15cm cable and connect it to the right port of striplight#5. Thread the other end of the cable up the spacing which leads to the 2nd level. Reconnect the entire 2nd level back to original position and then pull the 15cm cable up from underneath.

Note: You will need to open the door on the 2nd level to do this and when you close the door after the cable has been threaded through, it will secure it it place. Leave this cable aside for now and ensure it does to drop back down below.

23.) Place the 3rd level (first remove roof) on top and then turn it over to connect/stick another strip light(Striplight#6) in the following position.

Take another 15cm cable and connect this to the left port of striplight#6. Thread this up and pull it up from the top of the floor and set aside ensuring it does not drop back down below. Locate the 15cm cable we pulled up from the door on the level below and connect this to the right port of striplight#6. Reconnect the entire 3rd floor back in place.

24.) Pull the 15cm cable up from the below 2nd floor and connect it to the final strip light (striplight#7). Take the roof of the building and connect/stick the strip light in the below position.

Reconnect the roof to the original position and and then connect the 2 buildings back together.

This now completes installation of the Pet Shop lighting kit.

Turn the battery pack to “on” and enjoy!



Wireless Power Connectors:

If you wish to use Light My Bricks Wireless Power Connectors in between floors (sold separately), you will require the following extra parts (available for purchase through our DIY range)

  • 6x Wireless Power Connectors sets (available to purchase in a 2pk)
  • 4x 2-Port Expansion Board (available to purchase in a 4pk)
  • 1x 8-Port Expansion Board (available to purchase in a 2pk)
  • 3x 1×6 Plate (Any Colour) (Available to Purchase)
  • 2x 1×2 Plate (Any Colour) (Not sold but it is a common LEGO piece)
  • 1x 1×4 Tile (Any Colour) (Not sold but it is a common LEGO piece)The LEGO pieces are interchangeable as long as the replacements can fulfil the same role/purpose.


1.) Lift up the roof of the left building before disconnecting the USB Power Cable and the Connecting Cable.


Disconnect the following tile to remove the secured USB Power Cable as we will connect it to a different spot later on. Reconnect the tile once the cable is free/loose.



2.) Lift up the 2nd floor before disconnecting the Connecting Cable as shown. Once disconnected, remove the 2nd floor of the left building.



3.) Lift up the 1st floor before disconnecting the Connecting Cable and White LEGO Plate from underneath as shown. Once the cable/wire is free, reconnect the White LEGO Plate, then remove the 1st floor of the left building.



4.) Lift up the roof of the right building before disconnecting the Connecting Cable from the strip light as shown. Once disconnected, remove the roof.



5.) Lift up the 2nd floor before disconnecting the following Connecting Cable from the strip light as shown. Once disconnected, remove the 2nd floo.r



6.) Lift up the 1st floor, before disconnecting the Connecting Cable from the strip light as shown. Once disconnected, remove the 1st floor.



7.) Disconnect all the bit lights from the 6-Port Expansion Board. We will also now permanently remove the connecting cables from our build, then remove the expansion board from the wall.



8.) Swap out the 6-Port Expansion Board for a new 8-Port Expansion Board. Reconnect the Bit Lights to the 8-Port Expansion Board. Twist/braid the wires to ensure a cleaner look. Take the USB Power Cable we removed from the left building and connect it to a spare port on the expansion board.



9.) Disconnect the following LEGO tile from the left building, then take a tile side wireless power connector (from a Wireless Power Connector Set) and fold the wire underneath the tile. With the wire now facing the outside of the building, connect it to the below position.


Connect the wireless power connector on the ground floor of the left building to the 8-Port Expansion Board



10.) Take the 1st floor of the left building and turn it onto it’s back so we can access underneath. Take the plate side of the wireless power connector from your first set, and connect it underneath the floor in the below position. Connect the cable to the Strip Light. Use a spare 1×6 Plate (any colour)  to secure the wire in place, then flip the floor over and reconnect it to the ground floor ensuring the two wireless connectors are correctly aligned on top of each other.



11.) Connect the Connecting Cable on the 1st floor (of the left building) to a 2-Port Expansion Board. Remove the following tile piece as shown, then take a tile side of a wireless power connector (of a 2nd set) and with the wire facing the inside of the building, connect it to the below position. Connect the wire to the 2-Port Expansion board, then twist/braid the wires to provide a cleaner look.



12.) Take the 2nd floor and turn it onto it’s back so we can access underneath. Remove the LEGO 1×3 Plate from underneath connect it to the 1st floor in the following position.



13.) Going back to the 2nd floor, take a plate side of a wireless power connector (from your 2nd set) and with the wire facing the inside of the building, connect it to where you removed the 1×3 Plate. Connect the wire to the Strip Light, then turn the floor over and reconnect it to the first floor ensuring the wireless power connectors correctly align.



14.) Take 2x Plates 1×6 and 2x Plates 1×2 and connect them together as shown below. Take a tile side of another wireless power connector and with the wire facing toward you, connect it in between.



15.) Disconnect the following LEGO pieces before placing the LEGO pieces with the wireless power connector in its place ensuring the wire is facing the inside of the building. Once in position, connect the Wireless Power Connector to the 2-Port Expansion Board.



16.) From the LEGO pieces you just removed, disconnect the two 1×2 tiles  connect them to the 2nd floor as shown below. Tuck the wires around the room.



17.) Take the roof and flip it over. Take a plate side of a wireless power connector and with the wire facing the inside, connect it underneath as shown. Twist/braid the wire to neaten them up, then reconnect the roof ensuring the wireless power connectors align.



18.) Disconnect the following tile piece from the right ground floor as shown. Take another tile side of a wireless power connector and with the wire facing the inside, connect it to the below position.



19.) Take the 1st floor (of the right building) and disconnect the following LEGO plate from underneath. Take a plate side of a wireless power connector and with the wire facing the inside, connect it underneath, then connect the wire to the strip light. Tuck in the wires underneath the plates, then re-connect the 1st floor ensuring the wireless power connectors correctly align.



20.) Connect the Connecting Cable from the 1st floor to a 2-Port Expansion Board. Disconnect the following tile, then take a tile side of a wireless power connector and with the wire facing the inside, connect it to the below position. Connect the wire to the 2-Port Expansion Board. Twist/Braid the excess cables into a neat bunch.



21.) Take the 2nd floor of the right building and disconnect the following LEGO plate from underneath as shown below. Take a plate side of a wireless power connector and with the wire facing the inside, connect underneath the floor in the following position. Connect the wire to the Strip Light, then re-connect the 2nd floor ensuring the wireless connectors correctly align.



22.) Connect the Connecting Cable on the 2nd floor to another 2-Port Expansion Board.


Disconnect the following LEGO tile piece, then take a tile side of a wireless connector and with the wire facing the wire facing the inside, connect it to the below position. Take your spare Tile 1×4 and connect to the right of the Wireless Power Connector.



23.) Take the roof and disconnect the following plate from underneath. Take the remaining plate side of a wireless power connector and with the wire facing the inside, connect it underneath the roof in the following position. Connect the wire to the strip light, then twist/braid the wire into a neat bunch.


Finally, re-connect the roof back to the set ensuring the wireless power connectors correctly align.


And… you’re done!


Wireless Power Connectors Install Tip

If you’re having connectivity / contact issues with the Wireless Power Connectors, try the following tip to help resolve the issue:


Pull the terminal contacts further out. Use a pair of tweezers to gently pull out both terminal contacts from the plate.

This will ensure that both plate and tile connectors are can easily make contact.

Light My Bricks : Starter Kits

Here is the instructions document for the Light My Bricks Starter Kits. Here you will see a range of different examples on how to install our lights to your LEGO creations. Please read and follow the steps carefully to ensure this lighting kit is installed properly.

Package contents:

Starter Kit: Police Car (6 Light)

  • 4x White 15cm Bit Lights
  • 2x Flashing White 15cm Bit Lights
  • 1x 8-Port Expansion board
  • 1x USB Power Cable – IMPORTANT NOTE: Flat, Round, and AA Battery Packs are unavailable as of June 2022 due to child safety regulations. Please use the USB Power Cable in place of the Battery Pack.

Starter Kit: Mixed Light (6 Light)

  • 4x White 30cm Bit Lights
  • 2x LED Strip Lights
  • 2x LEGO Plates 1×6 (for mounting strip lights)
  • 1x 6-Port Expansion board
  • 2x Adhesive Squares
  • 2x 15cm Connecting Cables
  • 1x USB Power Cable – IMPORTANT NOTE: Flat, Round, and AA Battery Packs are unavailable as of June 2022 due to child safety regulations. Please use the USB Power Cable in place of the Battery Pack.

Important things to note:

Laying cables in between and underneath bricks

Cables can fit in between and underneath LEGO® bricks, plates, and tiles providing they are laid correctly between the LEGO® studs. Do NOT forcefully join LEGO® together around cables; instead ensure they are laying comfortably in between each stud.

CAUTION: Forcing LEGO® to connect over a cable can result in damaging the cable and light.

Connecting cable connectors to Strip Lights

Take extra care when inserting connectors to ports on the Strip Lights. Connectors can be inserted only one way. With the Strip Light facing up, ensure the side of the connector with the wires exposed is facing down. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, don’t force it. Doing so will damage the plug and the connector.

Connecting cable connectors to Expansion Boards

Take extra care when inserting connectors to ports of Expansion Boards. Connectors can be inserted only one way. With the expansion board facing up, look for the soldered “=” symbol on the left side of the port. The connector side with the wires exposed should be facing toward the soldered “=” symbol as you insert into the port. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, do not force it.

WARNING: Incorrectly inserting the connector can result in bent pins inside the port or possible overheating of the expansion board when connected.

Installing Bit Lights under LEGO® bricks and plates.

When installing Bit Lights under LEGO® pieces, ensure they are placed the correct way up (Yellow LED component exposed). You can either place them directly on top of LEGO® studs or in between.

OK, Let’s Begin!

How to install Bit Lights to car head / tail lights

Disconnect from each side of the car, the black 1 x 1 brick with the transparent yellow plate attached. Remove the yellow plate from the black brick and take 1x White Bit Light and using the connector end of the cable, thread this through the hole of the front of the black brick.

Pull the cable from the back of the black brick all the way until the LED component is flat up against the other side of the brick. Ensure that the LED component part is facing the correct way up, then secure this down by reconnecting the transparent yellow Lego plate over the top.

Repeat this step for the other head light of the car.

Reconnect the 2 head lights back to the front of the car ensuring the cables for the lights are facing up.

There are also other ways to installing headlights and below is another example:

You can install your head lights underneath Lego plates by placing them over Lego studs and then connecting the Lego plate over the top as per below.

Starter Kit: Mixed Light (6-Light) LED Installation Diagram

How to install Bit Lights to lamps and other lights (Mixed Light Starter Kit)

Example 1

Disconnect the 2 transparent yellow Lego pieces from the lamp sections

Take one of the White Bit Lights and thread the connector side of the cable up through the larger hole of the transparent yellow Lego piece. Thread this all the way until the LED part is right up inside the Lego piece.

Reconnect this piece with LED back to the lamp shade

ensure cable is facing toward the back and the LED component is facing the correct way down

Repeat this process for any other lamp shades.

Example 2

Here is another example of how to install LEDs to lamp posts.

Start by removing the Lego pieces which make up the 2 lamps. You only need to remove the yellow transparent pieces.

Using a White Bit Light, thread the connector side of the cable through the larger hole of the yellow Lego piece. Thread this all the way through until the LED part is sitting comfortably inside the Lego piece, then connect the top of the lamp post (black Lego pieces) back on top of the yellow piece.

Pull the cable all the way through

Repeat this process for the other lamp post.

Connect the lamp back to the lamp post. The cable should be able to fit comfortable in between the lamp and lamp post like below.

How to install Strip Lights to buildings (Mixed Light Starer Kit)

Strip Lights are great for lighting up the inside of buildings or for lighting balconies above windows. Our Strip Lights have adhesive backings which can be used to stick onto the bases of LEGO 1×6 plates. Doing this allows you to easily mount these strip lights to the ceilings of your buildings.

You can mount the strip lights to the roof of your building while connecting the two strip lights together using connecting cables.

You can prevent the cable from hanging down by looping them behind the strip light like what I have done here

Connect the strip lights to your expansion board using another connecting cable.