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Light My Bricks : Ghostbusters Ecto-1 LED Lighting Kit

The following page is instructions for the Light My Bricks LEGO Ghostbusters Ecto-1 (21108) LED light kit. You purchase this kit on our official website.

To ensure a trouble-free installation of your light kit, please read and follow each step carefully.

If you run into any issues, please refer to the online troubleshooting guide.

This user guide is also available to download in PDF format here.

Package contents:

Package contents:

  • 9x White 30cm Bit Light
  • 9x Flashing White 30cm Bit Lights
  • 2x 12-port Expansion boards
  • 1x Flat Battery Pack (2x CR2032 Batteries included)
  • 1x 5cm Connecting Cable

Extra Lego pieces:

  • 6x Lego 1×1 plates with clip (grey)
  • 4x Lego 1×6 plates (white)
  • 4x Lego 1×2 plates (grey)
  • 4x Lego 1×2 plates (transparent blue)
  • 1x Lego 1×1 round plate (transparent blue)

Important things to note:

Laying cables in between and underneath bricks

Cables can fit in between and underneath LEGO® bricks, plates, and tiles providing they are laid correctly between the LEGO® studs. Do NOT forcefully join LEGO® together around cables; instead ensure they are laying comfortably in between each stud.

CAUTION: Forcing LEGO® to connect over a cable can result in damaging the cable and light.

Connecting cable connectors to Expansion Boards

Take extra care when inserting connectors to ports of Expansion Boards. Connectors can be inserted only one way. With the expansion board facing up, look for the soldered “=” symbol on the left side of the port. The connector side with the wires exposed should be facing toward the soldered “=” symbol as you insert into the port. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, do not force it.

WARNING: Incorrectly inserting the connector can result in bent pins inside the port or possible overheating of the expansion board when connected.

Installing Bit Lights under LEGO® bricks and plates.

When installing Bit Lights under LEGO® pieces, ensure they are placed the correct way up (Yellow LED component exposed). You can either place them directly on top of LEGO® studs or in between.

OK, Let’s Begin!

Instructions for installing this kit

1.) Let’s start by removing the roof of the car.

2.) We will be installing lights to the headlights first. To do this, remove the following pieces from the front of the car.

Continue to remove the following pieces which make up the windscreen, side windows, and grey triangular tiles from the sides of the car.

4.) Remove the front section with the grill and number plate attached, followed by the 2 Lego 2×4 plates with light pieces attached.

5.) Remove the 2 grey round pieces as well as the transparent round pieces connected to them.

Take 1 standard Bit Light (non flashing) and place it on top of the stud of the grey round plate ensuring the LED component part is facing the correct way up. Secure the LED in place by connecting the transparent Lego plate over the top.

Install the remaining LEDs to all front headlights (2 on each side) using the above process so that we have a total of 4 standard Bit lights installed. Reconnect the light pieces back to the 2 Lego 2×4 plates ensuring that the cables from the LEDs are facing upward and then reconnect the plates back to the front of the car.

Reconnect the front middle section with the grill and number plate attached.

6.) Before reconnecting the white Lego pieces which make up the front bonnet, ensure that the cables from the LEDs are laid in between the studs of the Lego plates underneath as per below example images.

7.) Hide 2 cables from the lights on the left side of the car (looking from the front) up the left side by laying them in between the white studs and then reconnecting the grey triangular plates over the top of them.

8.) Before we hide the 2 cables from the right we will first install an LED to the blue light at the right side window. To do this, remove this section at the grey stud with clip.

Take another standard Bit Light (non flashing) and install it with the LED component part facing down (as it wont connect with it facing up). Secure this into place by connecting another transparent blue plate (which we have provided) over the top.

Ensure the LED component part is facing down or inward

Reconnect this section back to the side of the car ensuring the cable from the LED is on the inside facing the car.

9.) Take the cable from the LED we just installed and the 2 cables from the front right lights and hide them in between studs up the right side of the car by reconnecting the grey triangular plates over the top of them.

10.) We will now install 2 LEDs to the tail lights. Turn the car to the back and remove the back window and white back section of the car. The back section should remove in one piece.

Remove the transparent red cone pieces from each side of the car. Take a standard Bit light(non flashing) and place it over the top of the red stud on the side of the car ensuring the LED component part is facing the correct way up. Secure the LED in place by reconnecting the transparent red piece over the top of it. Ensure the cable from the LED is facing toward the middle so that we can hide it behind the back piece we removed earlier.

Repeat this step for the tail light on the other side using another standard Bit Light. Reconnect the back piece with the ghostbusters logo on it and ensure the cables from the LEDs are hidden behind.

11.) It’s time to neaten up all the cabling from the LEDs we have installed so far. Take the 5 cables from the front lights and twist/wind them around each other starting from the base working your way up. They should all come together neatly.

Repeat this step for the cables from the tail lights, twisting/winding them around each other. We should now have 2 groups of cables.

12.) Connect the cables from the tail lights into one of the 12-port expansion boards (expansion board#1) by first winding them around the board before connecting them into the first 2 available ports. We are winding them around the board so that we don’t have too much excess cabling to have to hide later on.

13.) Take the battery pack and insert the 2x CR2032 batteries. Connect the battery pack cable into the next available port on the expansion board.

14.) Connect the cables from the front lights into the next available ports of the expansion board then tuck the cabling underneath the expansion board in the back seat section of the car.

Reconnect the back window.

We can now take the time to test the lights we have installed so far by simply turning the battery pack switch to “ON” and verifying all is OK!

Reconnect the side windows.

15.) We will now install lights to the roof of the car. The roof is made up of 3 white base plates, front, middle and back. Start by removing the back section, followed by the grey 2×6 plate with blue light pieces connected to it.

Remove the following pieces from the 2×6 plate and then connect one of the provided grey 1×2 Lego plates on each side as per below.

16.) Take 1 flashing Bit light and place it on top of the grey stud closest to the outside of the plate ensuring the LED component part is facing the correct way up. Secure this in place by connecting one of the provided transparent blue 1×2 plates over the top. Repeat this for the light on the other side ensuring the LED is installed to the stud closest to the outside and the LED component is facing the correct way up.

Reconnect the transparent blue triangular plates we removed earlier on top of the additional plates we just installed.

17.) We will now install flasing LEDs to the blue spot lights at the front. Remove the grey plates with clips from the pole and then disconnect the round blue pieces from them.

Note: This may be a little tricky and you may need to use the Lego removal tool for the blue pieces.

Locate 2 of the provided grey plates with clips as we will be replacing the original ones with these. Take another 2 flashing Bit Lights and install them by placing them over the studs and connecting the blue transparent round pieces over the top.

Reconnect these 2 plates to the pole and then reconnect them to the rest of the roof section.

It is important to ensure that the cabling for the 4 lights are facing down and behind the pole.

18.) Reconnect the 2×6 plate to the rest of the roof, without the white plate underneath. Then remove the red light with white stud underneath so we can install another flashing Bit Light to it.

Take another flashing Bit light and install it to this section ensuring that the LED is laid over the white stud and secured down by reconnecting the red piece over the top.

Reconnect this section to the roof of the car ensuring the cable from the LED is threaded behind the black pole and down the middle in between the grey and white plates.

19.) Take all the cables and lay them down the middle of the middle white plate before reconnecting the back white plate underneath.

Secure the 2 white base plates of the roof by connecting the provided white 1×6 plates on each side as per below. We will not be reconnecting the original 2 round black pieces so you can discard these.

20.) Take the 5 cables from the back lights and twist/wind them around each other (like we did for the front and tail lights) so they all come together neatly.

21.) Turn the roof around to the front and remove the following sections:

– the front roof section 
– the white 4×4 plate with the clear light piece attached
– the grey pole with red and grey light pieces attached.

22.) Take the white 4×4 plate with pieces attached and disassemble the pieces as we will be replacing the 2 grey pieces.

Note: This may be a little tricky and you may need to use the Lego removal tool for the red and grey round pieces.

Take one of the provided grey Lego pieces with clip and place 1 standard Bit Light (non flashing) on top of the stud. Secure the LED in place by connecting the transparent red round piece over the top ensuring that the LED component part is facing the correct way up.

Ensure the cable from the LED is facing the same way the clip underneath is facing

Reconnect the round grey Lego piece to another provided Lego piece with clip then re-attach the 2 pieces back to the pole before then reconnecting this back to the roof. Ensure that the cable from the red LED is hidden behind the pole.

23.) Take another standard Bit Light and place it in the middle of the white 4×4 plate (in between the studs). Reconnect the clear round Lego light pieces over the top to secure the LED in place. Reconnect this section back to the roof of the car ensuring the cable from the LED is facing forward.

24.) Take the front section of the roof and remove the white roof plate from underneath, then remove the transparent blue triangular pieces, followed by the grey pole with attached light pieces.

Connect the 2 provided 2×2 grey Lego plates in the following positions.

Install 2 flashing Bit lights to this section by placing them over the top of studs on each side (furthest away) and connecting the provided 2×2 transparent blue plates over the top, same way as we did for the back flashing lights. Ensure the cables from the 2 LEDs are facing toward the front, then reconnect the triangular pieces over the top.

25.) Take the front grey pole with attached lights and disassemble all the pieces as we will be replacing the grey pieces with new pieces (with different clips).

Note: This may be a little tricky and you may need to use the Lego removal tool for the blue round pieces.

Install the final 2 flashing Bit Lights to this section by placing them over the studs of the provided grey pieces (with clips) and connecting the transparent blue pieces over the top. Ensure the cables are facing the same way as the clips, then reconnect this section back to the roof.

26.) Reconnect the grey 2×6 plate back to the white roof piece ensuring all cables are facing toward the back and hidden behind the grey pole as per below. Reconnect the front roof section to the middle roof section. You may find that this may not connect securely. This is OK as we will be securing the roof sections with extra Lego pieces in the next step.

27.) Take the 2 provided Lego 1×6 white pieces and connect them underneath the roof securing the front and middle roof sections together.

27.) Turn the roof on its side to allow you to then group all the cables from the front roof LEDs. Twist/wind them around each other, same way we did for the rest of the light cables.

28.) Take the 2 groups of cables from the roof lights and loop them around so that we do not have too much excess cabling. Use some tape to tape the cables together to prevent them from unwinding.

29.) Take another expansion board (expansion board#2) and connect the first group of 6 lights from the front section of the roof to the first available ports on the expansion board.

Connect the other group of lights from the back section of the roof to the next available ports on the expansion board#2.

30.) Take the 5cm connecting cable from the kit and connect it to the last available port on expansion board#2.

Connect the other end of the 5cm cable to a spare port on expansion board#1.

31.) Tuck all the cables down below and then re-position the battery pack so that the switch is facing toward the back. Place the battery pack over the top of all the components and then reconnect the roof section.

This now completes installation of the LED lighting kit.

To turn the lights on, simply lift up the roof section (from the back) and turn the battery pack switch to “ON”.

Your Lego Ghostbusters Ecto 1 has now come “alive”!

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