To ensure a trouble-free installation of your light kit, please read and follow each step carefully. These instructions can be downloaded in PDF format here
Please note: This page lists instructions for the LED light kit only. If you are wishing to purchase the Light My Bricks LEGO Volkswagen T1 Campervan (10220) LED Lighting Kit , please click here to view the product page
Package Contents:
10 x White30cm Bit Lights
1 x 12 Port Expansion board
1 x USB Power Cable
USB Power Cable has replaced Flat & Round Battery Packs (CR2032) as of June 2022 due to child safety regulations. Please use the USB Power Cable in place of the Battery Pack.
LEGO Pieces:
4x Black 2×4 Plates
2x Black 2×6 Plates
Important things to note:
Laying cables in between and underneath bricks
Cables can fit in between and underneath LEGO® bricks, plates, and tiles providing they are laid correctly between the LEGO® studs. Do NOT forcefully join LEGO® together around cables; instead ensure they are laying comfortably in between each stud.
CAUTION: Forcing LEGO® to connect over a cable can result in damaging the cable and light.
Connecting cable connectors to Expansion Boards
Take extra care when inserting connectors to ports of Expansion Boards. Connectors can be inserted only one way. With the expansion board facing up, look for the soldered “=” symbol on the left side of the port. The connector side with the wires exposed should be facing toward the soldered “=” symbol as you insert into the port. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, do not force it.
Incorrectly inserting the connector can can result in bent pins inside the port or possible overheating of the expansion board when connected.
Connecting cable connectors to Strip Lights
Take extra care when inserting connectors to ports on the Strip Lights. Connectors can be inserted only one way. With the Strip Light facing up, ensure the side of the connector with the wires exposed is facing down. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, don’t force it. Doing so will damage the plug and the connector.
Connecting Micro Cable connectors to Micro Expansion Board Ports
Take extra care when inserting the micro connectors to micro ports of Micro Expansion Boards. Connecting Micro Bit Lights to Micro Expansion Boards is similar to connecting lights and cables to Strip Lights. With the expansion board facing up, ensure the side of the connector with the wires exposed is facing down. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, do not force it. Use your fingernail to push the plastic part of the connector to the micro port.
Installing Bit Lights under LEGO® bricks and plates.
When installing Bit Lights under LEGO® pieces, ensure they are placed the correct way up (Yellow LED component exposed). You can either place them directly on top of LEGO® studs or in between.
OK, Let’s Begin!
Note: If you experience any issues with the lights not working and suspect an issue with a component, please try a different port on the expansion board to verify where the fault lies (with the light or expansion board). To correct any issues with expansion board ports, please view the section addressing expansion board issues on our online troubleshooting guide.
Note: If you experience any issues with the lights not working and suspect an issue with a component, please try a different port on the expansion board to verify where the fault lies (with the light or expansion board). To correct any issues with expansion board ports, please view the section addressing expansion board issues on our online troubleshooting guide.
USB Power Cable has replaced Flat, Round, and AA Battery Packs as of June 2022 due to child safety regulations. Please use the USB Power Cable in place of the Battery Pack.
If using the USB Power Cable, plug it into the same port on the Expansion Board as is shown with the Battery Pack. Then, run the USB Cable out from underneath the van.
Note: If you experience any issues with the lights not working and suspect an issue with a component, please try a different port on the expansion board to verify where the fault lies (with the light or expansion board). To correct any issues with expansion board ports, please view the section addressing expansion board issues on our online troubleshooting guide.
This finally completes installation of the Light My Bricks Volkswagen T1 Campervan 10220 Light Kit.
We thank you for purchasing this product and hope you ENJOY!
To ensure a trouble-free installation of your light kit, please read and follow each step carefully. These instructions can be downloaded in PDF format here
Please note: This page lists instructions for the LED light kit only. If you are wishing to purchase the Light My Bricks LEGO Dom’s Dodge Charger (42111) LED light kit , please click here to view the product page
Package Contents:
4x Warm White 30cm Large Bit Lights
2x White 30cm Bit Lights
2x Orange 30cm Bit Lights
6x White 15cm Bit Lights
1x Warm White Strip Light
1x 12-Port Expansion Board
1x 8-Port Expansion Board
1x NC Push Board
1xFlicker Effects Board
1x 5cm Connecting Cable
2x 15cm Connecting Cables
1x 30cm Connecting Cable
1x USB Power Cable
LEGO Pieces:
2x Trans Orange Round Plate 1×1
Important things to note:
Laying cables in between and underneath bricks
Cables can fit in between and underneath LEGO® bricks, plates, and tiles providing they are laid correctly between the LEGO® studs. Do NOT forcefully join LEGO® together around cables; instead ensure they are laying comfortably in between each stud.
CAUTION: Forcing LEGO® to connect over a cable can result in damaging the cable and light.
Connecting cable connectors to Expansion Boards
Take extra care when inserting connectors to ports of Expansion Boards. Connectors can be inserted only one way. With the expansion board facing up, look for the soldered “=” symbol on the left side of the port. The connector side with the wires exposed should be facing toward the soldered “=” symbol as you insert into the port. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, do not force it.
Incorrectly inserting the connector can can result in bent pins inside the port or possible overheating of the expansion board when connected.
Connecting cable connectors to Strip Lights
Take extra care when inserting connectors to ports on the Strip Lights. Connectors can be inserted only one way. With the Strip Light facing up, ensure the side of the connector with the wires exposed is facing down. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, don’t force it. Doing so will damage the plug and the connector.
Connecting Micro Cable connectors to Micro Expansion Board Ports
Take extra care when inserting the micro connectors to micro ports of Micro Expansion Boards. Connecting Micro Bit Lights to Micro Expansion Boards is similar to connecting lights and cables to Strip Lights. With the expansion board facing up, ensure the side of the connector with the wires exposed is facing down. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, do not force it. Use your fingernail to push the plastic part of the connector to the micro port.
Installing Bit Lights under LEGO® bricks and plates.
When installing Bit Lights under LEGO® pieces, ensure they are placed the correct way up (Yellow LED component exposed). You can either place them directly on top of LEGO® studs or in between.
OK, Let’s Begin!
Note: If you experience any issues with the lights not working and suspect an issue with a component, please try a different port on the expansion board to verify where the fault lies (with the light or expansion board). To correct any issues with expansion board ports, please view the section addressing expansion board issues on our online troubleshooting guide.
Power Bank Note – If your are using the Light My Bricks USB Power Bank, it is normal for the strip light to turn off automatically after a few minutes. This is due to very low power being consumed from the power bank. You won’t have this issue later on when you connect up more lights.7.)
Note: If you experience any issues with the lights not working and suspect an issue with a component, please try a different port on the expansion board to verify where the fault lies (with the light, expansion board or effects board). To correct any issues with expansion board ports, please view the section addressing expansion board issues on our online troubleshooting guide.13.)
Note: If you experience any issues with the lights not working and suspect an issue with a component, please try a different port on the expansion board to verify where the fault lies (with the light, expansion board or effects board). To correct any issues with expansion board ports, please view the section addressing expansion board issues on our online troubleshooting guide.16.)
Note: If you experience any issues with the lights not working and suspect an issue with a component, please try a different port on the expansion board to verify where the fault lies (with the light, expansion board or effects board). To correct any issues with expansion board ports, please view the section addressing expansion board issues on our online troubleshooting guide.19.)
This finally completes installation of the Light My Bricks Dom’s Dodge Charger Light Kit.
We thank you for purchasing this product and hope you ENJOY!
To ensure a trouble-free installation of your light kit, please read and follow each step carefully. These instructions can be downloaded in PDF format here
Please note: This page lists instructions for the LED light kit only. If you are wishing to purchase the Light My Bricks LEGO Fiat 500 (10271) LED light kit , please click here to view the product page
Package Contents:
5x White 15cm Bit Lights
4x White 15cm Micro Bit Lights
1x 8-Port Expansion Board
1x Micro 2-4 Port Expansion Board
1x NC Push Board
2x 15cm Connecting Cables
4x Ahdesive Squares
1x USB Power Cable –USB Power Cable has replaced Flat & Round Battery Packs (CR2032) as of June 2022 due to child safety regulations. Please use the USB Power Cable in place of the Battery Pack.
Important things to note:
Laying cables in between and underneath bricks
Cables can fit in between and underneath LEGO® bricks, plates, and tiles providing they are laid correctly between the LEGO® studs. Do NOT forcefully join LEGO® together around cables; instead ensure they are laying comfortably in between each stud.
CAUTION: Forcing LEGO® to connect over a cable can result in damaging the cable and light.
Connecting cable connectors to Expansion Boards
Take extra care when inserting connectors to ports of Expansion Boards. Connectors can be inserted only one way. With the expansion board facing up, look for the soldered “=” symbol on the left side of the port. The connector side with the wires exposed should be facing toward the soldered “=” symbol as you insert into the port. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, do not force it.
Incorrectly inserting the connector can can result in bent pins inside the port or possible overheating of the expansion board when connected.
Connecting cable connectors to Strip Lights
Take extra care when inserting connectors to ports on the Strip Lights. Connectors can be inserted only one way. With the Strip Light facing up, ensure the side of the connector with the wires exposed is facing down. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, don’t force it. Doing so will damage the plug and the connector.
Connecting Micro Cable connectors to Micro Expansion Board Ports
Take extra care when inserting the micro connectors to micro ports of Micro Expansion Boards. Connecting Micro Bit Lights to Micro Expansion Boards is similar to connecting lights and cables to Strip Lights. With the expansion board facing up, ensure the side of the connector with the wires exposed is facing down. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, do not force it. Use your fingernail to push the plastic part of the connector to the micro port.
Installing Bit Lights under LEGO® bricks and plates.
When installing Bit Lights under LEGO® pieces, ensure they are placed the correct way up (Yellow LED component exposed). You can either place them directly on top of LEGO® studs or in between.
OK, Let’s Begin!
1.) Start by lifting up the hood and disconnecting the following sections surrounding the front of the vehicle:
2.) Take the bottom left headlight section and disconnect the trans clear round plate. Take a White 15cm Bit Light and thread the connector end of the cable through the right hole and out the bottom of the yellow brick. Thread the cable all the way through, then carefully bend the Bit Light so that it sits flat against the front hole. Secure the light in place by reconnecting the trans clear round plate over the top.
Reconnect this section back to the front left side of the car ensuring the cable is slipped inside and behind as shown below.
3.) Repeat the previous step to install another White 15cm Bit Light to the bottom right headlight, then reconnect this section to the front right side of the car.
4.) Place the car on it’s back, then disconnect the front right wheel. Take the Bit Light cable on this side and thread it through the following hole in the dark grey technic brick. Pull the cable out all the way out from the other side of the brick.
Repeat this step for the left side, then connect both Bit Light cables to the middle ports on the 8-Port Expansion Board.
Disconnect the following angled yellow tile.
5.) Take the Flat Battery Pack and insert 2x new CR2032 Batteries to it. Thread the battery pack cable through the following space behind the front passenger seat that leads underneath the vehicle. Pull the cable all the way out, then connect the cable to the far left port on the 8-Port Expansion board. Place the Battery Pack behind the front seats.
Important Note:USB Power Cable has replaced Flat & Round Battery Packs (CR2032) as of June 2022 due to child safety regulations. Please use the USB Power Cable in place of the Battery Pack.
Turn the battery pack ON to test the front headlights are working OK.
Note: If you experience any issues with the lights not working and suspect an issue with a component, please try a different port on the expansion board to verify where the fault lies (with the light or expansion board). To correct any issues with expansion board ports, please view the section addressing expansion board issues on our online troubleshooting guide.6.) Take the following two sections we disconnected earlier and disassemble them, then reconnect the bottom yellow plate to each side of the vehicle.
Reconnect the front panel section
7.) Disassemble the two headlight sections as shown below, then take a White 15cm Bit Light and place it in the following position over one of the light grey plates. Secure the Bit Light in place by reconnecting the trans clear dish over the top. Fold the cable down underneath ensuring it is laid in between the gap, then reinsert the black bar.
The Bit Light should be positioned underneath the centre of the headlight and the cable should be facing the bottom as per below image.
Repeat this step to install another White 15cm Bit Light to the other headlight section
8.) Take the right headlight section and thread the cable behind before reconnecting it to the vehicle. Ensure the cable is laid in between studs on the left of it, then push in the exterior panel. Reconnect the two pieces as shown below.
Repeat this step for the left headlight on the other side.
9.) Reconnect the following remaining pieces to the front of the car.
10.) Thread the cables from both headlights through the same holes we threaded the bottom headlight cables through (behind the front wheels). Connect both cables to the next available ports on the 8-Port Expansion Board.
Reconnect both wheels, then turn ON the Battery Pack to test the headlights are working OK.
Note: If you experience any issues with the lights not working and suspect an issue with a component, please try a different port on the expansion board to verify where the fault lies (with the light or expansion board). To correct any issues with expansion board ports, please view the section addressing expansion board issues on our online troubleshooting guide.11.) Take a 15cm Connecting Cable and connect it to the right port on the 8-Port Expansion Board. Bring the cable toward the right side and thread it through the following space underneath the vehicle which leads to the area behind the driver seat. Pull the cable all the way out, then connect it to the IN port on the NC Push Board.
12.) Remove the roof of the car by disconnecting the front of it via the clips, then disconnecting the back of it as shown below. Remove the driver seat as well as the following pieces underneath.
Take the remaining White 15cm Bit Light and connect the cable to the OUT port on the NC Push Board. Remove the protective backing on the NC Push Board, then using the adhesive underneath, stick the board to the floor of the vehicle near the edge of the door opening as shown below. Ensure the push trigger is facing out.
13.) Lay the two cables down in between studs toward the back seat, then reconnect the black 1×4 L plate down over the top. Disconnect the two black 1×2 tiles with clips from the bottom of the driver seat, then reconnect these to the floor as shown below.
Pull the Bit Light end of the cable up and slip it in between the black angled brick and the trans clear window piece. Fold the Bit Light over and lay it in between studs, ensuring the LED is facing down, then reconnect the back sides of the roof section. The Bit Light should be slightly sticking out about 1-2 CM to shine down on the front seat.
Reconnect the roof at the front clips, then reconnect the driver seat. Turn the battery pack ON to test the internal Bit Light is working OK and the NC push Board works when pushing the trigger. The internal light should deactivate when the door is closed (NC Trigger is pushed in) and reactivate when the door is open (NC Trigger is released).
Note: If you experience any issues with the lights not working and suspect an issue with a component, please try a different port on the expansion board to verify where the fault lies (with the light or expansion board). To correct any issues with expansion board ports, please view the section addressing expansion board issues on our online troubleshooting guide.14.) Place the vehicle onto it’s back so we can access underneath. Take out the remaining 15cm Connecting Cable and connect it to a spare port on the 8-Port Expansion Board. Connect the other end of the cable to the Micro 2-4 Expansion Board (larger port).
Twist the Bit Light cables from the headlights around each other into a neat bunch. Stick 2x Adhesive Squares to the back of the 8-Port Expansion Board, then mount the board to the following position underneath the car. Tuck the bunched up cables underneath the wheel axle behind the board.
Lay the Bit Light cable and the 15cm Connecting Cable down the left side, then reconnect the following angled yellow plate over the top, ensuring the cables are laid in between studs underneath. Disconnect the angled yellow plate on the right side and lay the 15cm cable (connecting to the NC Push Board) down in between studs before reconnecting the angled plate over the top.
The underneath of the vehicle should look similar to below.
15.) Turn the Fiat to the back and disconnect the trunk door via the clips, then disconnect the bottom bumper section from the centre clips as well as the tail light section underneath.
16.) Disconnect the trans red and orange tiles from the left side. Take a White 15cm Micro Bit Light and with the cable facing inside, place it in between the following studs. Ensure the LED is facing up, then reconnect the trans red tile over the top.
Install another White 15cm Micro Bit Light to the stud above, then secure it in place by reconnecting the trans orange tile over the top. Fold both cables underneath the plates, towards the bottom as shown below.
17.) Install another 2x White 15cm Micro Bit Lights to the tail lights on the right side.
18.) With all the cables folded underneath, reconnect the tail light section to the back of the car. Ensure the cables on each side are laid together in between studs. Flip the car over and fold the cables down underneath the vehicle.
Disconnect the black and grey plates. Neatly lay down both groups of cables, then reconnect the plates over the top of the cables, ensuring they are laid in between studs.
Connect the four Micro Bit Light cables to the Micro 2-4 Port Expansion Board (smaller ports), then turn the Battery Pack ON to test the tail lights are working OK.
19.) Reconnect the bumper section, followed by the trunk door, then flip the car onto it’s side so we can access underneath.
Twist the Micro Bit Light cables together into a neat bunch, then lay the 15cm connecting cable between both expansion boards underneath the following yellow angled plate. Disconnect the following yellow angled tile and reconnect it over the cable ensuring it is are laid in between studs underneath.
Stick 2x Adhesive Squares to the back of the Micro Expansion Board, then mount the board to the following position behind the wheel axle. Tuck the bunched up cables underneath the axle as shown below. Neaten up any excess cable that may be dangling out.
Flip the vehicle back over and you’re done! You can easily access the Flat Battery Pack from the back of the front passenger seat. Place the Battery Pack back inside and close the door to fully conceal it.
This finally completes installation of the Light My Bricks Fiat 500 Light Kit.
We thank you for purchasing this product and hope you ENJOY!
To ensure a trouble-free installation of your light kit, please read and follow each step carefully. These instructions can be downloaded in PDF format here
Please note: This page lists instructions for the LED light kit only. If you are wishing to purchase the Light My Bricks LEGO International Space Station (21321) LED light kit , please click here to view the product page
Package Contents:
9x Cool White 30cm Bit Lights
2x Blue 30cm Bit Light
1x Flashing White 15cm Bit Light
3x White 30cm Micro Bit Lights
1x White Strip Light
3x 6-Port Expansion Board
1x 8-Port Expansion Board
1x Micro 2-4 Port Expansion Board
1x Flicker Effects Board
4x 5cm Connecting Cables
2x 15cm Connecting Cables
1x USB Power Cable
12x Ahdesive Squares
LEGO Pieces:
4x Trans Clear Round Plate 1×1
3x Trans Orange Round Plate 1×1
Important things to note:
Laying cables in between and underneath bricks
Cables can fit in between and underneath LEGO® bricks, plates, and tiles providing they are laid correctly between the LEGO® studs. Do NOT forcefully join LEGO® together around cables; instead ensure they are laying comfortably in between each stud.
CAUTION: Forcing LEGO® to connect over a cable can result in damaging the cable and light.
Connecting cable connectors to Expansion Boards
Take extra care when inserting connectors to ports of Expansion Boards. Connectors can be inserted only one way. With the expansion board facing up, look for the soldered “=” symbol on the left side of the port. The connector side with the wires exposed should be facing toward the soldered “=” symbol as you insert into the port. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, do not force it.
Incorrectly inserting the connector can can result in bent pins inside the port or possible overheating of the expansion board when connected.
Connecting cable connectors to Strip Lights
Take extra care when inserting connectors to ports on the Strip Lights. Connectors can be inserted only one way. With the Strip Light facing up, ensure the side of the connector with the wires exposed is facing down. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, don’t force it. Doing so will damage the plug and the connector.
Connecting Micro Cable connectors to Micro Expansion Board Ports
Take extra care when inserting the micro connectors to micro ports of Micro Expansion Boards. Connecting Micro Bit Lights to Micro Expansion Boards is similar to connecting lights and cables to Strip Lights. With the expansion board facing up, ensure the side of the connector with the wires exposed is facing down. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, do not force it. Use your fingernail to push the plastic part of the connector to the micro port.
Installing Bit Lights under LEGO® bricks and plates.
When installing Bit Lights under LEGO® pieces, ensure they are placed the correct way up (Yellow LED component exposed). You can either place them directly on top of LEGO® studs or in between.
OK, Let’s Begin!
1.) We will first light up the space shuttle. Disconnect and disassemble the three jet pieces from the shuttle as shown below:
Take out a White 30cm Micro Bit Light and with the LED facing up, place it inside one of the black rounded bricks. Secure the light by connecting a provided Trans Orange Round Plate 1×1 over the top.
Thread the connector end of the cable through the bottom of the black round plate with open stud, then reconnect this along with the clip tile to the back as shown below:
Reconnect this section to the back of the shuttle ensuring the cable is facing the same way as shown in the below images.
2.) Repeat the previous step to install another 2x White 30cm Micro Bit Lights to the two other jet sections (using the provided Trans Orange Round Plate 1×1 to secure the lights in place). Reconnect each jet section to the back of the shuttle with the cable facing the same way.
3.) Group the three cables together toward the shuttle and twist them around each other a few times. Continue to twist the cables around each other all the way to the end to form one larger cable. Connect the three Micro Bit Lights to the Micro 2-4 Port Expansion Board (smaller ports).
4.) Connect a 5cm Connecting Cable to the larger port on this expansion board, then connect the other end of the cable to one of the OUT ports on the Flicker Effects Board
Connect another 5cm Connecting Cable to the IN port on the Flicker Effects Board, then connect the other end of this cable to a 6-Port Expansion Board. Connect the USB Power Cable to the 6-Port Expansion Board, then connect the other end of the USB cable to your USB Power Bank or wall adaptor (sold separately) to test the space shuttle lights are working OK with the flickering effect.
Note: If you experience any issues with the lights not working and suspect an issue with a component, please try a different port on the expansion board to verify where the fault lies (with the light, expansion board or effects board). To correct any issues with expansion board ports, please view the section addressing expansion board issues on our online troubleshooting guide.5.) Place the Space Shuttle in front of the space station set and bring the cables and components around the left side of the stand. Turn the set around and connect a 15cm Connecting Cable to the 6-Port Expansion Board. Connect the other end of the cable to a White Strip Light
Connect a new 5cm Connecting Cable to the other end of the Strip Light, then peel off the adhesive backing protective paper on the back of the Strip Light.
6.) Thread the strip light through in between the stand’s vertical technic stand pieces, then wind the cable around the back stand leg and thread it back through in between. Turn the set around to the front, then stick the Strip Light underneath the top of the stand in the below position.
Turn the Power ON to test the strip light is working OK.
Note: If you experience any issues with the lights not working and suspect an issue with a component, please try a different port on the expansion board to verify where the fault lies (with the light, expansion board or effects board). To correct any issues with expansion board ports, please view the section addressing expansion board issues on our online troubleshooting guide.7.) Turn the set around to the back again and stick adhesive squares onto the back of the two expansion boards and effects board. Mount them behind the bottom of the stand in the below positions. Neaten up cables by twisting excess cables into a bunch (to tighten the cable around the stand) as well as hiding the larger cable underneath the stand base as shown below.
Locate the spare end of the 5cm Connecting Cable from the Strip Light and connect it to an 8-Port Expansion Board. Connect a new 5cm Connecting Cable to the 8-port Expansion Board, then connect the other end of the cable to a new 6-Port Expansion Board.
8.) Turn the set back around to the front and disconnect the horizontal bar that connects over the two upper panels on the left side.
Disconnect the technic axle pin from the middle of the bar, then take a Cool White 30cm Bit Light and thread the connector end of it through the top of the bar. Pull the cable all the way out from the bottom then, carefully bend the LED component so that it is facing directly up. Hold the Bit Light together on top of the bar, then ensuring the cable is laid inside one of the grooves, carefully re-insert the technic axle pin.
CAUTION: Do not forcefully reconnect the pin all the way through, as this may break the cable. It is important that the cable is laid inside one of the technic axle grooves before inserting the pin. Note – with the Bit Light installed, the technic axle pin will not re-insert the whole way through.9.) Reconnect the horizontal bar to the top of the panels, then loop the cable across the front toward the left. Slot the cable in between the space created. This will secure the cable, then bring the cable down the centre behind the long technic axle pin. Ensure the cable is brought down behind, so that it isn’t visible from the front of the set.
Slightly disconnect the light grey technic pin from the dark grey 1×1 brick, then bring the cable around and across the front to the left. Reconnect the light grey technic pin so that it slightly pushes the cable inside the dark grey 1×1 brick hole. This will secure the cable in place.
10.) From the back of the set, thread the Bit Light cable underneath and up in between the following light grey clips. Pull the cable out from the top and bring it to the left to connect to the 6-Port Expansion Board nearby.
Turn the Power On to test the Bit Light we installed to the panel is working OK.
Note: If you experience any issues with the lights not working and suspect an issue with a component, please try a different port on the expansion board to verify where the fault lies (with the light, expansion board or effects board). To correct any issues with expansion board ports, please view the section addressing expansion board issues on our online troubleshooting guide.11.) Repeat steps 8 and 9 to install another Cool White 30cm Bit Light to the other top panel on the left side.
12.) From the back of the set, thread the Bit Light cable up in between the light grey clips, then loop the cable around and up in between 3-4 times to eliminate excess cable. Connect the Bit Light to the 6-Port Expansion Board, then turn the Power ON to test the panel lights are working OK.
Note: If you experience any issues with the lights not working and suspect an issue with a component, please try a different port on the expansion board to verify where the fault lies (with the light, expansion board or effects board). To correct any issues with expansion board ports, please view the section addressing expansion board issues on our online troubleshooting guide.13.) Using the same methods used to install the top panel lights, install another 2x Cool White 30cm Bit Lights to the bottom left panels.
CAUTION: Do not forcefully reconnect the pin all the way through, as this may break the cable. It is important that the cable is laid inside one of the technic axle grooves before inserting the pin. Note – with the Bit Light installed, the technic axle pin will not re-insert the whole way through.
Turn the set around to the back and this time, thread the Bit Light cable down in between the light grey clips before connecting it to the 6-Port Expansion Board.
Turn the Power ON to test
13.) Connect the second bottom panel light.
Thread the cable through the top of the light grey clips, then loop it around 3-4 times before connecting to the next spare port on the 6-Port Expansion Board.
Turn the Power ON to test
Note: If you experience any issues with the lights not working and suspect an issue with a component, please try a different port on the expansion board to verify where the fault lies (with the light, expansion board or effects board). To correct any issues with expansion board ports, please view the section addressing expansion board issues on our online troubleshooting guide.14.) Use 2x Adhesive Squares to mount the 6-port Expansion Board behind the space station in the following position. Then neaten up cabling to ensure there are no cables sticking out and visible from the front side.
15.) Take the remaining 15cm Connecting Cable and connect it to the 8-Port Expansion Board at the back of the space station. Bring the cable above the middle and across to the left side laying it around sections as shown below, then connect it to the remaining 6-Port Expansion Board.
Disconnect the following white curved plate in the middle and lay the cable underneath in between studs. Reconnect the curved plate over the top.
16.) We will now install lights to the panels on the right side. Follow the same methods used for the left panel lights to install lights to this side, starting with the top two panels. Install 2x Cool White 30cm Bit Lights as per below:
CAUTION: Do not forcefully reconnect the pin all the way through, as this may break the cable. It is important that the cable is laid inside one of the technic axle grooves before inserting the pin. Note – with the Bit Light installed, the technic axle pin will not re-insert the whole way through.Connect Light 1:
Connect Light 2:
Turn On the Power to test!
Note: If you experience any issues with the lights not working and suspect an issue with a component, please try a different port on the expansion board to verify where the fault lies (with the light, expansion board or effects board). To correct any issues with expansion board ports, please view the section addressing expansion board issues on our online troubleshooting guide.17.) Install another 2x Cool White 30cm Bit Lights to the bottom panels as shown below:
CAUTION: Do not forcefully reconnect the pin all the way through, as this may break the cable. It is important that the cable is laid inside one of the technic axle grooves before inserting the pin. Note – with the Bit Light installed, the technic axle pin will not re-insert the whole way through.Connect Light 1:
Connect Light 2:
18.) Stick 2x Adhesive Squares to the back of the 6-Port Expansion Board. Stick the expansion board to the back of the space station in the following position, then push in any excess 15cm connecting cable sticking out.
Turn ON the power to test the lights on the right panel of the ISS are working OK.
Note: If you experience any issues with the lights not working and suspect an issue with a component, please try a different port on the expansion board to verify where the fault lies (with the light, expansion board or effects board). To correct any issues with expansion board ports, please view the section addressing expansion board issues on our online troubleshooting guide.19.) We will now install light to the front right of the ISS. Take out the remaining Cool White 30cm Bit Light and with the cable facing the back, place the Bit Light over the following stud. Secure the Bit Light in place by connecting a provided Trans Clear Round Plate 1×1 over the top.
Bring the cable across to the left and thread it underneath the centre. Loop it around this centre section 4-5 times
Push out the light grey lever piece toward the left, then thread the cable through the space which leads to the other side. Slip the cable in between the lever and centre section, then push back the lever to secure the cable in place.
From the back of the set, pull the cable out and connect it to the 8-Port Expansion Board nearby. Turn ON the power to test this light is working OK.
20.) We will now install a flashing light to the left side. Take a Flashing White 15cm Bit Light and with the cable facing the back, place it over the following stud. Secure the light in place using another provided Trans Clear Round Plate 1×1.
Turn the set around to the back and disconnect the following section. Lay the cable down toward the left side in between studs, then reconnect the section over the top of the cable.
Connect the cable to a spare port on the 8-Port Expansion Board, then turn ON the power to test the flashing white light is working OK.
Note: If you experience any issues with the lights not working and suspect an issue with a component, please try a different port on the expansion board to verify where the fault lies (with the light, expansion board or effects board). To correct any issues with expansion board ports, please view the section addressing expansion board issues on our online troubleshooting guide.21.) We will now install a Blue light to the right side. Take out a Blue 30cm Bit Light and with the cable facing the back, place it over the following stud. Secure the light in place by connecting a provided Trans Clear Round Plate 1×1 over the top as shown below:
Turn the set around to the back and disconnect the following section. Lay the cable down toward the right, in between studs, then reconnect the section over the top of the cable.
Bring the cable down and thread it through the hole of the technic brick underneath the white wing. Pull the cable all the way out from the other side of the technic brick, then thread it back underneath toward the right side. Pull the cable out from the other side and connect it to a spare port on the 8-Port Expansion Board. Turn ON the power to test the Blue Light is working OK.
22.) Turn the set around to the back and take out the remaining Blue 30cm Bit Light. With the cable facing the back (front of the ISS), place the Bit Light over the following stud. Secure the Bit Light in place by connecting the remaining provided Trans Clear Round Plate 1×1 over the top.
Bring the cable behind, then underneath and loop it around this section twice (behind the black ball piece), then continue to thread it towards the middle section.
Disconnect the white wing section, as well as the following round piece, and lay the cable in between studs. Reconnect this piece over the top, then connect the Bit Light to the 8-Port Expansion Board.
Turn ON the power to test the rear Blue light is working OK.
Note: If you experience any issues with the lights not working and suspect an issue with a component, please try a different port on the expansion board to verify where the fault lies (with the light, expansion board or effects board). To correct any issues with expansion board ports, please view the section addressing expansion board issues on our online troubleshooting guide.23.) The final step is to mount the 8-port expansion board and neaten up cables. Stick 2x Adhesive squares to the back of the 8-Port Expansion Board, then stick it vertically in the following position on the back of the ISS.
Pull up the excess connecting cable from the strip light, then twist and fold up all the Bit Light cables into a neat bunch. Reconnect the white wing section, then hide the bunched up cables underneath.
This finally completes installation of the Light My Bricks International Space Station 21321 Light Kit.
We thank you for purchasing this product and hope you ENJOY!
To ensure a trouble-free installation of your light kit, please read and follow each step carefully. These instructions can be downloaded in PDF format here
Please note: This page lists instructions for the LED light kit only. If you are wishing to purchase the Light My Bricks LEGO Liebherr R 9800 (42100) LED light kit , please click here to view the product page
Package Contents:
16x White 30cm Bit Lights
1x Red Strip Light
1x White Strip Light
1x Rotating White 30cm Bit Light
3x 6-Port Expansion Boards
2x 8-Port Expansion Boards
1x Multi-Effects Board
2x 5cm Connecting Cables
3x 15cm Connecting Cables
2x 30cm Connecting Cables
2x Adhesive Squares
1x AA Battery Pack
LEGO Pieces:
4x Round Plate 1×1 with Open Stud (Yellow)
6x Round Plate 1×1 (Trans Clear)
4x Round Plate 1×1 (Trans Orange)
1x Cone 1×1 with Top Groove (Trans Orange)
Important things to note:
Laying cables in between and underneath bricks
Cables can fit in between and underneath LEGO® bricks, plates, and tiles providing they are laid correctly between the LEGO® studs. Do NOT forcefully join LEGO® together around cables; instead ensure they are laying comfortably in between each stud.
CAUTION: Forcing LEGO® to connect over a cable can result in damaging the cable and light.
Connecting cable connectors to Expansion Boards
Take extra care when inserting connectors to ports of Expansion Boards. Connectors can be inserted only one way. With the expansion board facing up, look for the soldered “=” symbol on the left side of the port. The connector side with the wires exposed should be facing toward the soldered “=” symbol as you insert into the port. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, do not force it.
Incorrectly inserting the connector can can result in bent pins inside the port or possible overheating of the expansion board when connected.
Connecting cable connectors to Strip Lights
Take extra care when inserting connectors to ports on the Strip Lights. Connectors can be inserted only one way. With the Strip Light facing up, ensure the side of the connector with the wires exposed is facing down. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, don’t force it. Doing so will damage the plug and the connector.
Connecting Micro Cable connectors to Micro Expansion Board Ports
Take extra care when inserting the micro connectors to micro ports of Micro Expansion Boards. Connecting Micro Bit Lights to Micro Expansion Boards is similar to connecting lights and cables to Strip Lights. With the expansion board facing up, ensure the side of the connector with the wires exposed is facing down. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, do not force it. Use your fingernail to push the plastic part of the connector to the micro port.
Installing Bit Lights under LEGO® bricks and plates.
When installing Bit Lights under LEGO® pieces, ensure they are placed the correct way up (Yellow LED component exposed). You can either place them directly on top of LEGO® studs or in between.
OK, Let’s Begin!
1.) Disconnect the following sections from the back of the excavator.
2.) Disassemble the following two light sections, then take a White 30cm Bit Light and thread the connector end through the technic hole on the front of the right light section. Thread the cable all the way through, then carefully bend the LED flat against the edge of the brick. Secure the light in place by connecting a provided Round Plate 1×1 (Trans Clear) over the top.
Take a provided Round Plate 1×1 with Open Stud (Yellow) and connect it to the technic hole on the top, then install another White 30cm Bit Light to this hole. Secure it in place using a provided Round Plate 1×1 (Trans Orange)
3.) Reconnect this section, then connect the Bit Light cable from the trans clear plate to an 8-Port Expansion Board. Connect the Bit Light cable from the trans orange plate to a 6-Port Expansion Board.
Bring the 6-Port Expansion Board through the middle and pull it out from the bottom.
4.) Install another 2x White 30cm Bit Lights to the left light section, using another provided Round Plate 1×1 (Trans Clear) for the front light, and a Round Plate 1×1 with Open Stud (Yellow) andRound Plate 1×1 (Trans Orange) for the top light.
5.) Reconnect the light section to the back of the excavator, then bring the cable from the trans orange plate through the middle and pull it out from the bottom. Connect it to the 6-port Expansion Board.
Connect a 5cm Connecting Cable to the 6-Port Expansion Board, then connect the other end of the cable to one of the OUT ports on the Multi Effects Board3PFX (side with 2 ports). Set the effect switch to the middle for the “emergency effect” and turn the speed wheel all the way to the left for the slowest speed. Alternatively, you can configure to your desired speed when we connect the battery pack up later.
6.) Remove the following light section from the rear right side, then partially disconnect the following panel on the right. Disassemble the light section and install a White 30cm Bit Light to it. Secure the LED in place using a provided Round Plate 1×1 (Trans Clear).
Thread the Bit Light cable through the following space before reconnecting the light section. Ensure the cable is laid underneath as shown below:
Pull the cable out from the back and connect it to the 8-Port Expansion Board.
7.) Connect a 30cm Connecting Cable to the 8-Port Expansion Board, then thread the other end of the cable up the same gap we threaded the bit light cable down. Pull the cable all the way up from above, then close up the gap from the panel on the right we disconnected earlier.
Bring the 8-Port Expansion Board through the middle section and out through the bottom
8.) Take the Bit Light from the trans clear plate on the rear left side, and thread it through the middle section. Pull it out from the bottom and connect it to a spare port on the 8-Port Expansion Board.
Connect a 5cm Connecting Cable to the 8-Port Expansion Board, then connect the other end of the cable to the IN port (+5V) on the Multi Effects Board.
9.) Disconnect the light section from the middle then repeat the same method used in step 6. to install another White 30cm Bit Light to it, securing it in place using another provided Round Plate 1×1 (Trans Clear).
Thread the bit light cable through the following gap and pull it down from the bottom of the panel. Reconnect the light section, then connect the cable to the 8-port expansion board. Turn the light section around, then secure the cable in between grey pieces
10.) Lift up the door panel on the top, then take the AA Battery Pack and insert 3x NEW AA Batteries to it. Place the battery pack inside this section with the battery pack cable threaded down. Pull the cable out from the bottom and connect it to the 8-Port Expansion Board.
Turn the Battery Pack ON to test all the lights installed so far are working OK. Adjust the effects as desired.
Note: If you experience any issues with the lights not working and suspect an issue with a component, please try a different port on the expansion board to verify where the fault lies (with the light, expansion board or effects board). To correct any issues with expansion board ports, please view the section addressing expansion board issues on our online troubleshooting guide.11.) Disconnect the following sections from the top.
Disconnect the following pieces from the light section on the bottom left of the vehicle.
12.) Thread the LED end of a new White 30cm Bit Light down the following space, then connect the connector end of the cable to a new 6-Port Expansion Board.
Carefully flip the excavator onto it’s right side and pull the LED end of the Bit Light out from the bottom. Flip the excavator back over, then thread the Bit Light we pulled down, through and in between the following white pieces.
Disconnect the trans orange tile, then bring the cable underneath and place the Bit Light over the yellow stud. Secure it in place using a provided Round Plate 1×1 (Trans Orange)
Reconnect pieces surrounding the light section, then disconnect and reconnect the white brick over the cable to secure it in place.
13.) Disconnect the following light section from behind the control seat. Disassemble it and connect a provided Round Plate 1×1 with Open Stud (Yellow) to it. Install a White 30cm Bit Light, securing it in place with a provided Round Plate 1×1 (Trans Orange)
14.) Reconnect this section then disconnect the white piece to the right and thread the cable through and in between the blue pins. Pull the cable all the way out, then tuck it in between sections. Reconnect the white piece.
Thread the cable down behind the control section and underneath the railing. Thread the cable down the following space, pulling it out through the space where the battery pack is. Thread the cable back under toward the left side and pull it up the space on the top left. Pull the cable out and connect it to a spare port on the 6-Port Expansion Board (same expansion board we connected the bottom left light to).
Secure the Bit Light cable in between the following pieces.
15.) Connect a 15cm Connecting Cable to the 6-Port Expansion Board, then thread the cable down the following space and pull it out from the back of the excavator. Bring the cable through the middle panel and pull it out from the bottom. Connect the cable to the other OUT port on the Multi Effects Board.
Turn the Battery Pack ON to test the emergency lights we have installed are working OK. They should be flashing in alternate sequence to the rear lights on the top.
Note: If you experience any issues with the lights not working and suspect an issue with a component, please try a different port on the expansion board to verify where the fault lies (with the light, expansion board or effects board). To correct any issues with expansion board ports, please view the section addressing expansion board issues on our online troubleshooting guide.16.) Take another 30cm Connecting Cable and thread it down the following open space where the battery pack is placed. Pull the cable out from the bottom and connect it to the remaining port on the 8-Port Expansion Board. Thread the other end of the cable through to the section above, then toward the left (underneath the railing).
Neaten up the Bit Light cables on the bottom of the rear side by twisting/folding them into a neat bunch, then tuck all the components and cables up into the section above.
17.) Reconnect all the rear sections we disconnected at the very beginning of this guide.
18.) Disconnect the following panel just above the Liebherr sign, then thread the other end of the 30cm Connecting Cable from above down the space, pulling it out from underneath as shown below.
Connect the cable to a White Strip Light. Take another 15cm Connecting Cable and connect it to the spare port on the Strip Light. Using it’s adhesive backing, stick the strip light underneath the rail platform in the following position.
19.) Tuck the 30cm Connecting Cable in, then thread the other end of the 15cm Connecting Cable through this space and pull it out from the top side and connect it to a new 8-Port Expansion Board.
Tuck the 15cm Connecting Cable inside, then reconnect the panel we removed earlier. Turn ON the power to test the strip light is working OK.
Note: If you experience any issues with the lights not working and suspect an issue with a component, please try a different port on the expansion board to verify where the fault lies (with the light, expansion board or effects board). To correct any issues with expansion board ports, please view the section addressing expansion board issues on our online troubleshooting guide.
Reconnect both sections above.
20.) Disconnect the following section behind the control seat, then disassemble it as per below.
Take a Rotating White 30cm Bit Light and thread the cable through a provided Round Plate 1×1 with Open Stud (Yellow). Connect a provided Cone 1×1 with Top Groove (Trans Orange) over the top of the rotating light, then reconnect this to the 2×2 tile.
Reconnect this tile ensuring the cable is laid toward the back. Press the cable down into the corner of the tile, before reconnecting the 1×2 tile over the top. Fold down the cable down the back of the section, then reconnect it to the top of the excavator.
21.) Thread the Rotating Bit Light cable underneath the railing and connect it to a spare port on the 8-Port Expansion Board. Secure the cable down in between bricks, and push it down in the corner to hide it as much as possible.
Turn the power ON to test the Rotating Light is working OK.
22.) Disconnect sections above the control chair.
Disconnect the front spot light section and disassemble it as per below:
23.) Install a White 30cm Bit Light in between studs, then fold the cable underneath the light grey plate. Thread the cable through the right technic brick hole before reconnecting it back to the excavator.
Thread the cable through the railing behind, then down the stairs. Thread it through the front and then pull it out from the top to then connect to the 8-port expansion board as shown below.
Turn the Battery Pack ON to test the light is working OK.
Note: If you experience any issues with the lights not working and suspect an issue with a component, please try a different port on the expansion board to verify where the fault lies (with the light, expansion board or effects board). To correct any issues with expansion board ports, please view the section addressing expansion board issues on our online troubleshooting guide.24.) Disconnect the light piece above and install another White 30cm Bit Light to it, the same way we did in the previous step.
Reconnect the light piece, then thread the cable behind in between white and dark grey pieces. Pull it out from behind, then thread it through the yellow hole. Pull the cable all the way out, then connect it to the 8-Port Expansion Board. Turn the Battery Pack ON to test the light is working OK.
25.) Fold down the left side of the control compartment and disconnect the trans clear tile. Install another White 30cm Bit Light to this section, following the images below. Secure the light in place using a provided Round Plate 1×1 (Trans Clear)
Thread the cable through the inside hole then pull it up toward the back. Secure the cable behind the technic axle pin, then connect the cable to the 8-Port Expansion Board.
26.) Disconnect the trans clear round tile from the other side and install another White 30cm Bit Light to it, same way we did in the previous step. Secure it in place with another provided Round Plate 1×1 (Trans Clear)
Thread the cable through the following hole in the centre, then pull it out from the other side and secure it behind the technic axle pin. Connect the bit light to a spare port on the 8-Port Expansion Board.
27.) Stick a new White 30cm Bit Light to an Adhesive Square. Thread the Bit Light (LED end) underneath the control compartment roof and mount it underneath in the following position.
Thread the cable behind the same technic axle pin we threaded the other cables behind, then connect it to the 8-port expansion board. Turn the Battery Pack ON to test all the lights installed so far are working OK.
Note: If you experience any issues with the lights not working and suspect an issue with a component, please try a different port on the expansion board to verify where the fault lies (with the light, expansion board or effects board). To correct any issues with expansion board ports, please view the section addressing expansion board issues on our online troubleshooting guide.28.) Reconnect the roof sections, then neaten up cabling on the top by twisting and folding them into a neat bunch. Neatly tuck the components inside the space where all the cable tubes are as shown below.
Hide the cable going down the stairs by disconnecting sections and securing the cables underneath technic pins. Reconnect sections.
Turn the excavator over to the right side, then disconnect the following rail section and tuck in all the cables outside the control compartment.
29.) Disconnect the two rail sections as well as the trans clear covering.
Locate the spare 30cm Connecting Cable on this side and thread it through the railing. Connect the cable to a Red Strip Light. Take a 15cm Connecting Cable and connect it to the other port, then with it’s adhesive backing, stick the Strip Light inside the exterior wall (strip light facing in) as shown below.
30.) Thread the cable through the centre of the engine barrels, then underneath the white long horizontal technic brick. Connect it to a new 6-Port Expansion Board
31.) Disconnect the two light sections from the front left of the excavator as well as the section above. Disassemble and install 2x White 30cm Bit Lights to the light sections as shown below.
Reconnect one of the light sections to the bottom half ensuring the cable is facing down, then bring the cable up and thread it in between the technic pieces to the inside of the barrel section. Ensure the cable is laid underneath the light grey plate (bottom right corner) and then directly up the front panel. Thread the cable underneath the white long horizontal technic brick and connect it to the 6-Port Expansion Board.
32.) Thread the Bit Light cable from the other light section through the following technic hole, then reconnect the light section to the front panel.Thread the cable underneath the white long horizontal technic brick and connect it to the 6-Port Expansion Board.
Hide the cable going up the front panel by slightly disconnecting the white panels and slipping the cable in between them. Reconnect the front rail section on top.
Turn the Battery Pack ON to test the red strip light and front lights are working OK.
Note: If you experience any issues with the lights not working and suspect an issue with a component, please try a different port on the expansion board to verify where the fault lies (with the light, expansion board or effects board). To correct any issues with expansion board ports, please view the section addressing expansion board issues on our online troubleshooting guide.33.) Disconnect the following light piece, then follow the below images to disassemble and install the remaining White 30cm Bit Light to it.
Thread the cable through the following space, then loop it around the red technic axle pin before reconnecting the light section. Pull the cable all the way out from behind.
34.) Thread the cable through the following yellow piece hole, then connect it to the 6-Port Expansion Board. Turn the battery pack ON to test all the lights are working OK.
Note: If you experience any issues with the lights not working and suspect an issue with a component, please try a different port on the expansion board to verify where the fault lies (with the light, expansion board or effects board). To correct any issues with expansion board ports, please view the section addressing expansion board issues on our online troubleshooting guide.35.) Neaten up the cables by twisting and folding them into a neat bunch, then neatly tuck all the components inside the tube section to conceal all the components.
Reconnect sections we removed earlier.
This finally completes installation of the Light My Bricks Liebherr R 9800 42100 Light Kit.
We thank you for purchasing this product and hope you ENJOY!
To ensure a trouble-free installation of your light kit, please read and follow each step carefully. These instructions can be downloaded in PDF format here
Please note: This page lists instructions for the LED light kit only. If you are wishing to purchase the Light My Bricks LEGO Star Wars Millennium Falcon (75257) LED light kit , please click here to view the product page
Package Contents:
7x Cool White 30cm Bit Lights
6x White Strip Lights
1x Rotating White 30cm Bit Light
1x 2-Port Expansion Board
1x 8-Port Expansion Board
1x Gun Effects Board
2x 5cm Connecting Cables
4x 15cm Connecting Cables
1x 30cm Connecting Cable
1x 50cm Connecting Cable
1x AA Battery Pack
LEGO Pieces:
4x Bar 4L (Trans Red)
2x Plate 1×6 (Any colour)
Important things to note:
Laying cables in between and underneath bricks
Cables can fit in between and underneath LEGO® bricks, plates, and tiles providing they are laid correctly between the LEGO® studs. Do NOT forcefully join LEGO® together around cables; instead ensure they are laying comfortably in between each stud.
CAUTION: Forcing LEGO® to connect over a cable can result in damaging the cable and light.
Connecting cable connectors to Expansion Boards
Take extra care when inserting connectors to ports of Expansion Boards. Connectors can be inserted only one way. With the expansion board facing up, look for the soldered “=” symbol on the left side of the port. The connector side with the wires exposed should be facing toward the soldered “=” symbol as you insert into the port. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, do not force it.
Incorrectly inserting the connector can can result in bent pins inside the port or possible overheating of the expansion board when connected.
Connecting cable connectors to Strip Lights
Take extra care when inserting connectors to ports on the Strip Lights. Connectors can be inserted only one way. With the Strip Light facing up, ensure the side of the connector with the wires exposed is facing down. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, don’t force it. Doing so will damage the plug and the connector.
Connecting Micro Cable connectors to Micro Expansion Board Ports
Take extra care when inserting the micro connectors to micro ports of Micro Expansion Boards. Connecting Micro Bit Lights to Micro Expansion Boards is similar to connecting lights and cables to Strip Lights. With the expansion board facing up, ensure the side of the connector with the wires exposed is facing down. If a plug won’t fit easily into a port connector, do not force it. Use your fingernail to push the plastic part of the connector to the micro port.
Installing Bit Lights under LEGO® bricks and plates.
When installing Bit Lights under LEGO® pieces, ensure they are placed the correct way up (Yellow LED component exposed). You can either place them directly on top of LEGO® studs or in between.
OK, Let’s Begin!
1.) Disconnect the following pieces from the front of the Millennium Falcon
2.) Install 2x Cool White 30cm Bit Lights underneath the trans red round plates, then fold the cables down underneath the grey tile before reconnecting it to the ship.
3.) Bring both cables underneath the ship and lay them underneath the following sections. Ensure cables are laid in between studs.
4.) Secure the cables underneath the following plate, then connect them to an 8-Port Expansion Board. Insert 3x New AA Batteries to the AA Battery Pack, then connect the battery pack cable to a spare port on the expansion board.
Carefully flip the ship over and turn the Battery Pack ON to test the two front lights are working OK.
Note: If you experience any issues with the lights not working and suspect an issue with a component, please try a different port on the expansion board to verify where the fault lies (with the light, expansion board or effects board). To correct any issues with expansion board ports, please view the section addressing expansion board issues on our online troubleshooting guide.5.) Remove sections surrounding the cockpit, to allow us to install a Cool White 30cm Bit Light.
Install the Bit Light LED facing down, then push it slightly up.
6.) Thread the cable through the following hole to lead underneath the ship. Continue threading the cable through the following holes.
Disconnect the two Cool White Bit Lights from the expansion board, then thread them through the following holes. Take the Cool White Bit Light cable from the cockpit and thread it through the same hole, then connect all three cables to the 8-port expansion board.
7.) Carefully flip the ship back over and reconnect the minifigs and wind shield, ensuring the bit light cable is carefully tucked under.
Turn the Battery Pack ON to test all lights are working OK.
Note: If you experience any issues with the lights not working and suspect an issue with a component, please try a different port on the expansion board to verify where the fault lies (with the light, expansion board or effects board). To correct any issues with expansion board ports, please view the section addressing expansion board issues on our online troubleshooting guide.8.) Disconnect the AA Battery Pack from the expansion board, then lift up the following roof panel and disconnect the following roof section behind. Connect a 30cm Connecting Cable to a White Strip Light and stick it underneath this roof section. Reconnect this section to the ship.
Tuck the cable in, then bring it underneath the ship and thread it through the following holes to lead towards to where the 8-port expansion board is situated.
Connect the cable to a spare port on the expansion board, then connect the AA Battery Pack again and turn it ON to test the strip light is working OK.
Note: If you experience any issues with the lights not working and suspect an issue with a component, please try a different port on the expansion board to verify where the fault lies (with the light, expansion board or effects board). To correct any issues with expansion board ports, please view the section addressing expansion board issues on our online troubleshooting guide.9.) Lift up the following roof panels, then connect a 15cm Connecting Cable to another White Strip Light. Stick the strip light to a provided LEGO Plate 1×6 then mount it underneath the roof panel as shown below.
Close the panel and thread the cable down underneath the ship through the following gaps and holes to connect to the 8-Port Expansion Board, then turn ON the battery pack to test the lights are working OK.
10.) Secure the connecting cable underneath the panel clips by disconnecting the panel, feeding the cable in between clips and reconnecting the panel over the cable.
Disconnect the AA Battery Pack from the expansion board, then twist the cables connected to the expansion board into a neat bunch.
11.) Lift up the following roof panel. Connect a 50cm Connecting Cable to another White Strip Light, then connect a 15cm Connecting Cable to the other port. Using it’s adhesive backing, stick the strip light to a provided LEGO Plate 1×6.
Mount the strip light underneath the roof panel (with the 50cm cable on the right side), then secure both cables underneath the panel in between the clips.
12.) Disconnect the rear horizontal panels via the clips on the right, then bring the 50cm Connecting Cable behind and loop it around the clips on the left twice to eliminate excess cable.
Reconnect the panel, then bring the cable underneath and thread it down the following space. Pull the cable down securely, then bring the cable underneath the ship. Flip the ship over and thread the cable through the following holes to connect it to a spare port on the 8-Port Expansion Board.
Disconnect the following dark grey plate and lay the 50cm cable underneath in between studs. Reconnect the plate over the top.
13.) Lift up the back roof panels and thread the AA Battery Pack cable down the following hole. Disconnect the beige coloured plate, then position the battery pack inside ensuring the switch is facing up. Secure the Battery Pack from moving around by repositioning the following crate above.
Close the rear roof panels to securely hold the AA Battery Pack, then carefully flip the ship over (to prevent the AA Battery pack from falling out) and pull the battery pack cable out from underneath.
14.) Connect a 15cm Connecting Cable to a 2-Port Expansion Board, then connect the Battery Pack cable underneath the ship to the other port.
Connect the other end of the 15cm Connecting Cable to a spare port on the 8-port expansion board, then secure the cable underneath the following dark grey plate as well as the black curved plate toward the right.
Turn ON the Battery Pack to test the lights installed so far are working OK.
Note: If you experience any issues with the lights not working and suspect an issue with a component, please try a different port on the expansion board to verify where the fault lies (with the light, expansion board or effects board). To correct any issues with expansion board ports, please view the section addressing expansion board issues on our online troubleshooting guide.15.) Take the other end of the 15cm cable from the back of the ship and thread it down the space behind the clips, then disconnect the long grey horizontal bar from the top.
Disconnect the right side of the bottom horizontal bar and bring the 15cm cable up underneath before reconnecting the bar.
16.) Connect the 15cm Cable to a White Strip Light. Connect another 2x White Strip Lights to the first strip light using 2x 5cm Connecting Cables.
17.) Stick the first two Strip Lights underneath the angled tiles above the jet lights, then tuck in any excess cable to the right and left gaps as shown below.
18.) Lift up the following roof panel, then disconnect the hyperdrive unit and disassemble it as per below.
Place the Rotating White 30cm Bit Light inside and secure it in place by reconnecting the trans blue wheel. Wind the excess cable around the wheel several times until you have about 8-10cm of cable left.
19.) Reconnect the hyperdrive unit to the ship and thread the cable down underneath the panel clips, pulling it down from the outside. Disconnect the left clips from the bottom horizontal bar, then connect the rotating bit light cable to the third Strip Light.
Stick the strip light underneath the tiles above the jet lights. Tuck in the excess cables on each side, then reconnect the left side of the horizontal bar.
Reconnect the horizontal bar on the top of the jet lights, then turn ON the AA Battery Pack to test all the lights are working OK.
Note: If you experience any issues with the lights not working and suspect an issue with a component, please try a different port on the expansion board to verify where the fault lies (with the light, expansion board or effects board). To correct any issues with expansion board ports, please view the section addressing expansion board issues on our online troubleshooting guide.20.) Disconnect the upper cannon section, then disassemble it as shown below.
21.) Install 4x Cool White 30cm Bit Lights to the 2×2 plate ensuring all the cables are laid as shown below.
Insert 4x Provided Bar 4L Trans Red, then reconnect this section to the cannon base.
22.) Twist the cables around each other to braid the 4 cables together about 10cm down from the top. Reconnect sections, then reconnect this section to the top of the ship while bringing the cables around the right side.
Connect the four bit light cables to the 4 OUT ports on the Gun Effects Board. Set the effect switch to the far right setting for the “Laser Gun” effect. Alternatively, you can choose from the 2 other programmed effects (cannon, machine gun)
23.) Connect a 15cm Connecting Cable to the IN port (+5V), then remove the control chair from inside. Thread the cable all the way down the following hole inside, then close the panel and carefully place the ship onto it’s right side so we can access underneath. Pull the cable out from underneath and connect it to the remaining port on the 8-Port Expansion Board.
Secure the connecting cable underneath the following dark grey plate.
Turn ON the Battery Pack to test the upper cannon lights and effects are working OK. Each cannon light should be firing individually at a time in sequence.
24.) Eliminate excess cables from the cannon lights by twisting and folding them together into a neat bunch. Ensure you leave enough cable slack for the cannon to move from side to side. Reconnect the control chair inside, then neatly place all the components inside before closing the panel.